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Small Stuff

Lena (30, Austrian): multi-fandom (among other things a whole lot of Teen Wolf, Hannibal, Parks and Recreation, Arrow, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones; Oldies but Goldies like Buffy, Pushing Daisies, Firefly, Torchwood; and whatever new show just caught my eye), movies (including the occasional horror movie), books, feminism, funny gifs, quotes, whatever catches my fancy. Reviews of movies, books and shows on my other blog.Here’s more about me. My askbox is always open, ask away, whatever it is. If you wanna talk to me but don’t know what about, here are questions you could ask. Just don’t forget to let me know which one you’re referring to.



Lena (30, Austrian): multi-fandom (among other things a whole lot of Teen Wolf, Hannibal, Parks and Recreation, Arrow, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones; Oldies but Goldies like Buffy, Pushing Daisies, Firefly, Torchwood; and whatever new show just caught my eye), movies (including the occasional horror movie), books, feminism, funny gifs, quotes, whatever catches my fancy. Reviews of movies, books and shows on my other blog.Here’s more about me. My askbox is always open, ask away, whatever it is. If you wanna talk to me but don’t know what about, here are questions you could ask. Just don’t forget to let me know which one you’re referring to.
