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A Quote Out of Context

Charis. Once and future crone. Cosplayer and craft fiend of all trades, costume and science nerd, bibliophile, lover of corvids and shiny things. Rapidly hurtling towards bluestockinghood without a single regret. Posts may be anything at all, wholly without rhyme or reason.I can be found as myalchod in most other places, and Charis in the rest. [ AO3 | Twitter | Fic Tag ]Current Fannish Inclinations: Musketeers, especially Milathos (separately and as a pair). Takarazuka. Pia Douwes. Elisabeth das Musical. Musicals and theatre in general, especially opera and German musicals. Agent Carter. Elementary. The holy trinity of Helen Mirren, Judi Dench, and Maggie Smith. Historical documentaries and history in general. My askbox is open for prompts, questions about my fic, and questions about pretty much anything at all. I don’t necessarily promise the fastest replies, but I’ll definitely get to them!

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