March 20th, 2012. The Blightscape Viral Stadium, Command Room Asmodeus's Side The command room. The largest room inside of the entire Viral Stadium, and located directly under the press box, or t...
Eric Zarathos the demon known as Zenotic Amon has finally taken control of a human named Chris Seiger taking his body and his life. This was eternal battle and the human was strong willed but in ...
CENTRAL PARK NEW YORK, NY UNITED STATES OF 'MURICA MARCH 6TH, 2012 1:00PM Earth. North America. The air was clear, not as clear as home, but it was always clearer than she expected it to be when ...
Wyl finally arrived to Lanthier's house, not really the place he had been born as it had happened near Amesbury, but a not really small place the family used to live before his father had took t...
23rd January, 2012 The Smith Residence Somewhere in Virginia It was sometime in the morning. Lisa stirred with the sound of her alarm. She had a strict schedule to stick to which involved run...
5:06 PM 22nd January, 2012 The Smith Residence Somewhere in Virginia Jerome kept staring at himself in the vanity mirror in the unknown bedroom he found himself in. His neck was bandaged as well ...