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There's No Such Thing As Fiction.

“There’s no such thing as fiction. Only nonfiction written in the wrong parallel universe.” - Night Vale Radio Rae, or 13. 22 years old, genderfluid. About as queer as a three-dollar bill. Pronouns are she/her/hers or ze/zir/zirs depending on the day. Ze is always safest. Hobbies include words and everything you can do with them. Fandoms include but are not limited to Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Order of the Stick, and Welcome to Night Vale. This is a personal blog and will be treated as such. I tag for common triggers and less-common ones that I know my followers have. I am somewhat thalassophobic and TS “thalassophobia”, “creepy water stuff”, “creepy ocean stuff”, and “sea creatures”. If you’re here about a certain X+C post, it was a mistake. “X” is the Missing E shortcut for Safe Dash.

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