Well... I want to go there now too!
As always, mesmerising descriptions and, despite your lack of enthusiasm for aspects of this place, you still convey enough of the magic to make me envious of your trip and want to go there. I th...
In reply to Ken Powell. Yes, I did! Thank you so much On your next trip to India...
Super jealous! Did you take all these photos yourself? If you did, I have to say you have magnificent photography skills!
In reply to Ken Powell. It was an adventure, yes! There are so many more anecdot...
Ahh I know those planes well. Used a lot in bangladesh! I'm jealous about your trip though. It looks like it was a real adventure!
Very difficult to read. Here in the UK right now, with a girl murdered - possibly by a policeman - Twitter is awash with horror stories of the myriad ways women have been molested and abused. It ...
Nice. There is an Indian side to it, which is sadly not good. Adi Adi
My view it that respect and equality should be every day, not just one day. There's some sad truths about the world here.
In reply to AditiChandak. You’re welcome and do share the learnings