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well measured vice

Laura. 21. INTJ. gray-ace. telly watcher, literature aficionado, moviegover, ‘physicist’, misanthrope. Main areas of interest: history of organised crime, medieval history, scandinavian history, Prohibition, films (i.e. gangster, noir, italian, french and american new wave, precode) and HBO shows - especially Boardwalk Empire and The Sopranos.

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Laura. 21. INTJ. gray-ace. telly watcher, literature aficionado, moviegover, ‘physicist’, misanthrope. Main areas of interest: history of organised crime, medieval history, scandinavian history, Prohibition, films (i.e. gangster, noir, italian, french and american new wave, precode) and HBO shows - especially Boardwalk Empire and The Sopranos.
