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Confusing The Polarity

IF YOU ARE THINKING OF FOLLOWING ME, PLEASE READ THE LABEL FIRST: Personal blog for fandom rubbernecking with occasional fanart and silly stuff. Current fandoms include Asoiaf / Game of Thrones, Penny Dreadful, Supernatural, and Doctor Who (mostly Classic) with spoilers everywhere so beware. Unapologetically loving glorious villains and arseholes. Also crackships, creepyships and general wrongness. If it’s fucked-up, chances are I ship it. That’s just how I roll. Theon forever. Krakens can get it. Manager of the Bolton Administration. Stannis is my king. Shields by clashofthekhaleesi on tumblr Theon is wearing a Squid Hat by http://www.etsy.com/shop/ObeyMyBrain fancy clothing by Winterfell tailors. Model’s own beard. Roose and Ramsay are dressed by Hanna-Barbera.
