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Live and let live

m1b1rd loves to fly, loves Stephen Colbert (human extraordinaire), The Daily Show, Supernatural (Destiel is like a drug and Jensen my personal GOD), Stargate Atlantis (McShep 4ever! ), LOTR and The Hobbit ( guh Thilbo will be the death of me), H50 (McDanno), Sherlock, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Star Trek (*psst* it’s better than Star Wars *psst* deal with it.Not that I don’t like Star Wars [holding judgment about JJ’s interpretation, the crossguard may be useful, it still looks stupid]) and other shows but I’m not that crazy about those (will sporadicly post stuff if they look pretty enough). My new found love for Richard Armitage is not so new anymore (I fucking adore him, but I will not watch Hannibal!). This blog is now also mostly (I tried to hold a balance) a Captain America blog (Evans and Stan are to good to be real, look at all the dorky and pretty and decend human beings. Stucky goddamit! How can you resist that?!?) So there, I got sucked into the Marvel Universe (Fuck you Marvel! I will not watch Dr. Strange!) I miss Destination Truth. I love Josh Gates new show Expedition Unknown (DAMN did I miss that dork!) Did I mention that I’m addicted to Assassin’s Creed? No? Now you know. Best Game EVER! I play Dragon Age (FenHawke!) and am a die-hard Templar supporter (Magic sucks, Mages suck more [not really only Anders and Merril suck, they made me into a Templar supporter! Vivienne, Solas and Dorian rock! I will still not support Mages!]) I’ll repost everything I like( you get a picture, if you scroll trough my blog), that includes snakes and spiders, so if you’re squeamish you have been warned.
