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Ask Offender Man

Tell me your secrets share your love.~ Rules are at the bottom. Oc’s: Ruby Rose: Alicorn, crimson mane/tail, white fur. Silver Skies: Pocket Dragon. Silver,blue, light blue, white and see-through scales. Zane: A large jungle dragon, no wings, a bit rude, and he’s 28. Delilah: A rouge slender born in the shadow realm. Has four pups/children. One is a baby dragon she rescued. Isis: A naga Europhia had paralyzed and injured until Zane brought her in where Offender took care of her. Erouphia. Again. Rules. 1: No godmodding. 2: Almost everything must be consensual (Includes rps being planned between Muns) 3: There is a place called Mun’s Apartment. No other muse besides my own may live in this mental happy place of mine but visits to it must be talked about between Muns or Muses. 4: Don’t be a dick and purposely go against these rules cause I’m not afriad to block people. I will ALWAYS tell you when your violating a rule and will give you a few chances to correct yourself before feeling your doing it on purpose and will message you about it and talk about it. If met with violence then I’ll simply block you.
