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28. Mother. Wife. Southern Girl. Aspiring Historian. Budding Classicist. Reads Latin and Ancient Greek (in theory). Knitter. In Love with Batman. Comic Book Junkie. Ships ALL the Ships. Fans ALL the Fandoms. Most notably DCU, MCU, Teen Wolf, 00Q, Sherlock, BtVS, pretty much everything. If I don’t already fan it, just tell me about it and I will start.



28. Mother. Wife. Southern Girl. Aspiring Historian. Budding Classicist. Reads Latin and Ancient Greek (in theory). Knitter. In Love with Batman. Comic Book Junkie. Ships ALL the Ships. Fans ALL the Fandoms. Most notably DCU, MCU, Teen Wolf, 00Q, Sherlock, BtVS, pretty much everything. If I don’t already fan it, just tell me about it and I will start.



28. Mother. Wife. Southern Girl. Aspiring Historian. Budding Classicist. Reads Latin and Ancient Greek (in theory). Knitter. In Love with Batman. Comic Book Junkie. Ships ALL the Ships. Fans ALL the Fandoms. Most notably DCU, MCU, Teen Wolf, 00Q, Sherlock, BtVS, pretty much everything. If I don’t already fan it, just tell me about it and I will start.
