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KeeLa MoMmY

Hello my name is Krislene Casucci I am a California living mama. I am married to my husband Nick Casucci for 4 years. We have 2 beautiful girls Hartlyn Elizabeth Casucci who was born March 17th 2012 and she is such a joy, and little Miss Kaylee Tylor Casucci who entered our world On January 13th, 2014. Mommyhood is amazing and I wouldnt have it any other way. l love to sing, cook, read, have playdates, hang out with friends. I am the type of person that always has to be doing something but since becoming a mother I have learned that if I have the time to relax I relax. I have been working with children for 10 years now from preschool teacher to nanny you name it I think Ive done it. In a few years I plan on opening up my own childcare center for low income families.



Finally I’m back! I didn’t think school was going to take over my life but it totally did. But now it’s over and I can officially say I passed all my classes and am so glad it’s over. I h...



Making my way back to updating on here. But since starting school I’ve been extremely busy since I have an exam seriously like every week. We have been doing pretty good as far as everything ...



It’s go time again we have decided to start trying again for another baby. It’s been 3 weeks since our loss and we feel we are ready to try again. I’ve done the research and it says as soon...


If you've lost a child through miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss please reblog this

Hello my name is Krislene Casucci I am a California living mama. I am married to my husband Nick Casucci for 4 years. We have 2 beautiful girls Hartlyn Elizabeth Casucci who was born March 17th 2012 and she is such a joy, and little Miss Kaylee Tylor Casucci who entered our world On January 13th, 2014. Mommyhood is amazing and I wouldnt have it any other way. l love to sing, cook, read, have playdates, hang out with friends. I am the type of person that always has to be doing something but since becoming a mother I have learned that if I have the time to relax I relax. I have been working with children for 10 years now from preschool teacher to nanny you name it I think Ive done it. In a few years I plan on opening up my own childcare center for low income families.



Have I felt more sick than I do lately. Can’t eat anything without wanting to barf it up after. This pregnancy is getting harder and harder. I have no energy all I want to do is sleep and sit n...
