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Pandas NEED our LOVE

A Giant Panda Blog dedicated to the Conservation of Pandas! I’ve created this endangered species blog so that there is a simple social media site that dedicates its time to the love of pandas. Not only that, it provides links for donations to the cause, because PANDAS NEED OUR LOVE! If we can help the pandas by expressing our love through donations, we increase their life span and their breeding abilities. There is as little as 1,800 pandas left in the wild. They are one of the most endangered species and a leading symbol of unity, peace, and beauty. If we can’t save them after all this time and effort what animals can we save? So, Help Me Save the species Ailuropoda melanoleuca by donating to these places: WWF Adopt A Panda Adopt a Giant Panda at the Smithsonian Donate to the Smithsonian National Park Adopt a Panda at the San Diego Zoo Donate to San Diego Zoo Global Sponsor a Giant Panda at Zoo Atlanta Support Zoo Atlanta’s Giant Panda Program Donate to Pandas International Adopt a Panda through Pandas International Adopt a Panda at the Memphis Zoo Adopt a Panda at the Edinburgh Zoo Adopt a panda at the Toronto Zoo Donate Bamboo to the Adelaide Zoo Adopt a Panda at the Adelaide Zoo
