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From Eh to Zed

I am Canadian above all else. You may call me Benoit. I’m 21 years old. I’m an aspiring Lawyer-Novelist-Poet-Essayist-Singer-Songwriter-Composer-Pianist-Ukulelist-Designer-Chef-Dancer-Gymnast-Fencer-Comedian-Director-Actor-Linguist-Translator-Politician. I channel the spirits of April Ludgate, Dorothy Zbornak, Donna Noble, Karen Walker, Wanda Dollard, Lydia Martin, River Song, Dean Winchester, and Squidward Tentacles. I’m like Martha Stewart eating a bean burrito and drinking a forty ounce beer. I am actually a good person, despite the image I keep. I grew up in a small farming town and occasionally act like a small town person. I speak four languages, sign one, and am learning two more. I have a big dumb golden retriever-Labrador retriever mix named Molson. He’s the sweetest, slobberiest mess of a dog and I like him more than I like 99% of people. If you make me bannock or pierogis or bring me a box of Mieszko chocolates, I will love you forever. Butter is my favourite food and I am always up for fried food. I love Texas. I am Idle No More. I’m a University student (English and Philosophy Major, Psych Minor. Go Golden Hawks!), a former bulimic, perpetually single, and an Aboriginal Two-Spirit. I prefer hand holding and cuddling over sexual things. I’m a center-left democratic socialist, an egalitarian, a believer in the Creator. My beliefs are explored in more detail in the link “My Views”. I crave political debate. In the words of the young people, “come at me bro.” But if you do choose to, best you mind your tone with me. I really don’t like arrogant, ignorant, or intolerant people. I’m a genuinely joyful person, but I rage more frequently than I’d like. Sometimes I say stupid shit and if you take that too seriously, you’re doing it all wrong. I either love things, hate them, or have no opinion of them. If you met me, you might know I’m gay, you might not. I started out as Jack McFarland, but have become Max Blum. However, I do happen to love pretty much everything stereotypically gay. I have a strange affinity for sashes, babushkas, slut red nail polish, and colourful underwear. I don’t know what else I could put here that you’d care about. For a list of things I happen to enjoy, click the button that says Stuff I Like. Click the button Stuff I Don’t Like for stuff I do not enjoy. For a list of my favourite tv shows and movies, and stuff like that, click These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things. Everyone deserves understanding and compassion. Suffer the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Work until your idols become your rivals. Then work until your rivals work for you. Blessed be the ties that bind. #Métis Swag
