Welcome to "Reclaiming American Democracy"- a Blog that calls for
widespread activist civic participation in an ongoing “pro 'Big D'
Democracy in America” movement that will not only challenge the
presumptive inevitability of current “Business and Politics as
Usual” but attempt to offer and describe a clear alternative path
into our collective futures. This will be a long haul ongoing effort
requiring nothing short of or less radical than a 2nd American
Revolution- albeit a peaceful and "Rapid" evolutionary one this time
around that utilizes all of the fine and dandy Democratic institutions
and traditions still available to us- many that trace back to the
first one that started way back in 1775-1776. That is almost 240 years
ago. It's time for some restoration, reinvigoration, revival, and
renewal of our American Democracy, so please follow these links to
posts and content on major related Issues, Topics, and Proposed policy
and activism: