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an axe and a kodiak

~ Where you’ve nothing else construct ceremonies out of the air and breathe upon them. ~ I like attics and lighthouses. When I drink I prefer to drink deeply and when I laugh I prefer to laugh heartily. Don’t just stop and smell the roses… sit and stare at the moss. - 25 - I follow Forn Sidhr (The Ancient Custom) ..you could also call me Asatru or an Odinist. - Elatreus, the American Pit Bull Terrier that I adopted five years ago, has one eye. Meeting him was an important moment in both our lives. - I eat meat and I dig that swine. - For some reason [other] animals usually like me a lot. When I used to work at a pet store people would tell me all the time “oh that’s weird my dog isn’t usually this friendly with strangers” and on more than one occasion when I am in someone’s house and I sit on the couch and their dog comes onto the couch to lay down right next me I hear “he never does that with anyone.” That’s good, because I have a lot of love for animals… domestic or wild or human. Don’t forget you’re an animal. You’re not separate from nature or outside of it or above it or below it.
