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all the sad young gossip girls

Welcome. This tumble log is an epistolary (non-)fiction concerning bart bass, asian one, veronica mars, eastern european mammy, 1993 rufus, aunt becky, and the metrotextual experimentations of the creative apprentice class. LOLxoxo. Direct all press inquiries to our publicists at The Endasher Group. THE CONTEXT .adHeadline {font: bold 10pt Arial; text-decoration: underline; color: #E895CC;} .adText {font: normal 10pt Arial; text-decoration: none; color: #808080;} Your Ad Here var AdBrite_Title_Color = '6498cc'; var AdBrite_Text_Color = '333333'; var AdBrite_Background_Color = 'FFFFCC'; var AdBrite_Border_Color = 'CC64C4'; var AdBrite_URL_Color = '666666'; Your Ad Here
