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Who is this?: Emerald Embers, or Louise if you fancy. A 30 year old multifandom multishipping fanfic writer and occasional podficcer. Talks too much or too little. Loves you by default. On Tumblr: fic | three sentence fic | podfic | poetryElsewhere: AO3 | Amazon Wishlist Fandoms you will find on this blog: Dishonored, Dragon Age, Hannibal, Marvel movieverse, Rise of the Guardians (including the numerous AUs it has spawned), Mr Robot, Steven Universe, The Evil Within, Until Dawn, and anything else that takes my fancy (and thus is likely to contain Tom Hiddleston or Rami Malek).Other tidbits: Cis woman (she/her/hers), fat, white, autistic, occasionally depressed, grey-ace panromantic pansexual, English. Blog testimonials: “A watermelon loving budgie.” - anon “Apparently not an actual watermelon loving budgie.” - also anon “A stupendous story teller who fills the night sky with stars and adds sparkles to my eyes with her amazingness.” - still very much anon
