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I am interested in art, A Song of Ice and Fire, being nice, books, the classical world, food, interior and urban design, making friends, math, poetry, rabbits, random musings of hemi/semi/demi intelligence and squeeing about Sansan. My old tumblr name was inle-hain. This blog is not primarily fandom based, but I am a passionate Sansan shipper and write for this fandom. I am apathetic towards everything related to the HBO TV show Game of Thrones (including its actors), so the fannish aspect of my blog is based on the ASOIAF books exclusively. I am the creator of the illustrated Sansan novella, Running with the Hare and Hunting with the Hound. I am currently working on a new illustrated novella, Marching Song. You can read the text WIP here. My other Sansan works can be found on A03. The fanfiction of writers I admire can be found here: SanSan Fic Recs var ref = (''+document.referrer+''); var w_h = window.screen.width + " x " + window.screen.height; document.write('');

Feed: Related:


I am interested in art, A Song of Ice and Fire, being nice, books, the classical world, food, interior and urban design, making friends, math, poetry, rabbits, random musings of hemi/semi/demi intelligence and squeeing about Sansan. My old tumblr name was inle-hain. This blog is not primarily fandom based, but I am a passionate Sansan shipper and write for this fandom. I am apathetic towards everything related to the HBO TV show Game of Thrones (including its actors), so the fannish aspect of my blog is based on the ASOIAF books exclusively. I am the creator of the illustrated Sansan novella, Running with the Hare and Hunting with the Hound. I am currently working on a new illustrated novella, Marching Song. You can read the text WIP here. My other Sansan works can be found on A03. The fanfiction of writers I admire can be found here: SanSan Fic Recs var ref = (''+document.referrer+''); var w_h = window.screen.width + " x " + window.screen.height; document.write('');
