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Cosplaying on a Budget

Tips, tricks and tutorials for making awesome costumes for less. Cosplaying is expensive. Kind of goes without saying, but there are ways to keep it from breaking the bank. I’m a broke college grad who has a hobby I don’t want to quit doing, but I don’t have a lot of money to splurge on costuming supplies. This has caused me to come up with some pretty creative methods for making cheap but quality costumes. My favorite rule to follow is the “Holy Trinity of Costuming”: you can have a costume cheap, fast or accurate, but you can only pick two out of the three options. I obviously pick either “fast and cheap” or “cheap and accurate”. I’m going to focus on these two rules of thumb and go in-depth on some costuming tricks and sewing techniques as well. **** “Ask Me Anything” I will be receiving questions for the first 2 week of every month. If the “Ask” box become too full it will be closed for the last two weeks of the month while I get caught up on answering everyone questions
