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Rena, 29. Not my real name, but I’ll answer to it. Or Sarah. ~*~ My website. ~*~ Pansexual. ~*~ Sometimes I write, sometimes I draw. ~*~ The Dean to my Cas. Stuff about her is tagged otp: brain twins. ~*~ The askbox is always open, for advice or anything, anon or not. ==> I is ask, II is submit. ~*~ SO NOT SPOILER-FREE. ~*~ I am the world’s worst tagger. I try to remember to tag super triggery stuff, and stuff I want to be able to find, myself, later, and I have XKit which leaves the previous person’s tags. I only delete them if I don’t like them or someone’s telling a personal story, so if my tags seem weird, they are probably not actually mine. ~*~ This is pretty much a NSFW blog. There’s a lot of not-NSFW stuff, but when there is NSFW stuff…see previous point. ~*~ SPNFamily, Cas girl, I ship Destiel, and I’m one of Misha’s Minions. But my love for all three boys is boundless. ~*~ Gleek. Kurtsie. I’m on the Klaine Train, I’ve been Klainewashed, I’m a Klainiac–in short, I ship Klaine like WHOA. ~*~ Also love WtNV, LotR, Lost, Starkid, Sherlock, American Horror Story, Harry Potter, House, Hannibal and other things that I may have forgotten to list here but will probably reblog eventually. Dashes of Teen Wolf. I’ve watched some but should’ve paid more attention. ~*~ I reblog SuperWhoLock and other crossovers. ~*~ A Mean Girls, Princess Bride, or Labyrinth reference is pretty much always an instant reblog. ~*~ Not a John Winchester appreciation blog. ~*~ Not a Lisa Braeden appreciation blog. ~*~ FEMINIST! I support the strictest of gun control in the most liberal of societies. American, but unhappily, and anti-patriotism for any country. ~* I am childfree and will happily answer questions/discuss any topic on that front.
