Last week I posted about how Amazon is making it more difficult to remove DRM from purchased Kindle ebooks, and now people are noticing that Amazon has removed the option to download Kindle Unlim...
I saw this post over at MobileRead with a discussion about how Amazon is making it harder to remove the DRM from purchased Kindle ebooks. Apparently, newly-published Kindle ebooks can no longer b...
For those of you that prefer to remove the DRM from your purchased ebooks to make backups and convert formats and such, there’s a new set of DRM removal tools called noDRM that’s based on App...
Lately there have been a number of reports in the Calibre forum of the DRM removal plugin not working with the latest version of Calibre, but luckily there are a few workarounds to get things bac...
Last week Apprentice Alf released a new version of the DeDRM tools with added support for KFX format, so now you can easily import KFX books to Calibre to create backups and convert them to other...
In February Amazon is expected to release an update for their Kindle for PC program that could make removing DRM from Kindle ebooks problematic. When Amazon came out with their new enhanced types...
Sometimes it seems like someone on the inside at Barnes and Noble is secretly trying to take down the Nook business from the inside out. That’s about the only thing that could explain the conti...
Despite closing down their own ebook store and sending customers to Kobo, and deciding to discontinue their line of dedicated ebook readers, Sony still continues to remain attached to the ebook i...
HaperCollins has started using a new digital watermarking DRM, in addition to regular ebook DRM, to add additional security to their ebooks. HaperCollins and LibreDigital are the first companies ...
The world of ebooks is going to get a lot more complicated thanks to Adobe, a company that has nothing to do with the actual writing, making, or marketing of the ebooks you purchase, but that doe...
As if being forced to buy ebooks crippled by Adobe’s DRM isn’t bad enough, now Adobe’s system has been hacked and all the Adobe DRM ID’s and passwords have been compromised. If you’ve e...
A couple of weeks ago I posted an article about how to remove DRM from Kindle ebooks in four easy steps. This time around I’ve got a tutorial on how to easily remove Adobe DRM from ePub and PDF...
If you’ve ever bought an ebook from Amazon, you’ve likely heard that it comes with Amazon’s proprietary DRM that locks it into the Kindle platform (for more info about DRM see The eBook DRM...
One big misconception about the Kindle is that you can only buy ebooks from Amazon. While that is true for ebooks laced with DRM, you can still buy ebooks to read on a Kindle from websites that s...
If you are new to ebooks and are considering getting an ebook reader, you may be wondering what DRM encrypted ebooks are, and what that means exactly. DRM stands for Digital Rights Management, bu...