Customized for nonprofits with limited time and financial resources, the certificate program covers the fundamentals of of website and email marketing, online fundraising, and social media for no...
Fees start at $14.99 per month per Facebook Page, Instagram Account, and WhatsApp Account, and there is currently no discount for nonprofits. Named Meta Verified, the program offers a verified ba...
Nonprofit Tech for Good offers unique sponsorship opportunities for tech companies that serve the nonprofit sector and 2025 is now open for booking! Our options include promoted content resourc...
In the evolving fundraising landscape, nonprofits have more tools than ever to engage donors, grow their base, and achieve their missions. AI-driven fundraising and wealth screening are two of th...
AI is not going to replace digital marketers and fundraisers, but when used effectively, AI can help you become a more efficient and successful digital marketer and fundraiser. This certificate p...
By crafting compelling stories, creating a sense of urgency, and making the donation process seamless, your nonprofit can inspire generosity and foster long-term support on social media. It’s n...
The Great Wealth Transfer is upon us—Baby Boomers have begun to bequeath the most wealth in world history—and one thing is sure: the methods used to reach the next generation of donors will b...