The early days of organised Freemasonry have been neglected for too long, largely because there is not a huge store of documents to be poured over and analysed. What the author has done in this v...
This book contains a complete set of fully adaptable toasts and responses to toasts, lasting about four minutes each, that the Freemasons can use at short notice at the festive board. It contain...
This book answers questions that many new Freemasons have asked themselves: “What do I do now? What are my options in the Brotherhood? Where can I contribute my talents?” Too often, new membe...
Freemasonry is about rendering in symbol and allegory that which words alone cannot render. And a visual image gives us a way of using our own insight to decode the message. The tracing boards ar...
Everything to be found in ‘Observing the Craft’ has been practised in Masonic lodges throughout the world at one time or another. But the reason this book has been written is because so many ...
This book draws together a number of different topics relating to Masonic protocol and provides a comprehensive guide to Masonic behaviour and practice. Topics covered include conduct and issues ...
Anti-Masonry (or Masonophobia as it is increasingly being termed) is almost as old as Freemasonry itself but why does it exist and what are the motives of its proponents? Do these change over tim...
Prix du livre d’histoire maçonnique 2011 Ce livre, fruit de plus de vingt années de travail de la part d’Alain Bernheim, est consacré à des événements que les francs-maçons dans leur t...
Over the years the Revd Neville Barker Cryer has delivered many lectures to Lodges throughout the country. His lectures manage to both entertain and inform the lodge members and one perennially p...
Descrição: Este é um dos trabalhos mais completos publicados até o momento a respeito da história do Grande Oriente do Brasil (GOB), que mostra os principais acontecimentos que marcaram a tr...