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Philip K. Dick Fan Site

An online community for fans of Philip K. Dick, old and new, along with the promotion of his work and the sharing of information, text, audio or visual that pertains to his life, his work and his legacy. Includes news, articles, criticism, interviews, biography, synopses of major works, reviews, links, and much more.


New Books

Listed below are books related to or about the work of Philip K. Dick that have been published recently (in most cases). There are a few of these that were published last year but most have been ...


Review: Pink Beams of Light from the God in the Gutter: The...e-Fictional Religion of Philip K. Dick by Gabriel McKee (2003)

In the comments section, please add your your review, your criticism or a link to as post when you have much more to write than would fit in a comment.   This book is an excellent academic study...
