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Den of the Rothwoman

Hi there! I am Hannah: occasional weaver of tales and on blue moons a producer of artings. This is both a multifandom and personal blog! May contain the following: Doctor Who, Pokemans, The Avengers and other Marvel miscellany, and trace elements of other fandoms.



Hi there! I am Hannah: occasional weaver of tales and on blue moons a producer of artings. This is both a multifandom and personal blog! May contain the following: Doctor Who, Pokemans, The Avengers and other Marvel miscellany, and trace elements of other fandoms.



Hi there! I am Hannah: occasional weaver of tales and on blue moons a producer of artings. This is both a multifandom and personal blog! May contain the following: Doctor Who, Pokemans, The Avengers and other Marvel miscellany, and trace elements of other fandoms.
