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Open Your Toys

Your source for the four greatest action figure franchises of the 80's and all time: Star Wars, Transformers, G.I. Joe, and Masters of the Universe.


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 264: Everybody, Sales, Sales, Sales, Sales, Sales, Sales…

I just spent the first part of my Sunday morning saving more than $100 on toys I’ve already bought. While this may be frowned upon, I feel it’s just being an informed consumer. I spend time b...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 234: This Is The End, Beautiful Friend…

After our shortest show in years follows one of the longest. For good reason. We cover the new 1099 rule that has gone into effect starting at the beginning of this year. Any Goods and Services t...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 208: Everybody Was Kung Flu Fighting…

Alright, I hesitated using such a divisive term in the title. However, probably with the same zeal and unfortunately similar success of one of my favorite shows, “It’s okay, I’m taking it b...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 204: You Can’t Always Get What You Want…

Well, the first, and hopefully the last, Pulsecon has come to a conclusion. And similar to their previous efforts, the panels were pretty good, but the pre-orders sucked. Especially the Target on...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 196: Today We Celebrate Our Independence Day…

I think it’s absolutely astonishing that on this 4th we are the most divided we have ever been with maybe the exception of the Civil War era. I purposely steer way clear of politics outside of ...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 191: I’m Sorry, I’m Really Bad at This…

If you’re part of the group and listen to the show, then you probably have realized I’m horrible at remembering who posts what. Especially because I really do care, this always makes me feel ...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 190: To One-Sixth Or Not To One-Sixth…

This time around we get a deep dive into the one-sixth scale and more specifically, Hot Toys. We welcome Chris Leddy from the Sixth Scale Scavengers. He, along with Lotus, give the inside scoop o...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 175: I Did Something, I Did Something…

Well, I finally got off my ass and did something. It feels so damn good. Not only did I have a super-productive week on the project I’m working on, but I also sold almost $1K in toys. Granted t...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 171: The Rock and Lotus and Peter Show…

Well, I didn’t expect for another show without me to be so forthcoming, but here we are. I’m personally excited. I get to listen to two Open Your Toys Casts in one month. With the holiday wee...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 126: Why the Hell are These So Long…

We have had a record-breaking lack of news for the last couple of shows. Even in light of some big cons, there just really hasn’t been that much out there. So how the hell are we still at 3+ ho...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 124: Expectations vs. Reality…

So this is a little bit of an experiment. I am writing this first part just before we head out to view the great total eclipse of 2017. There are so many expectations. We have been planning this ...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 121: Andale, andale, arriba, arriba…

Here we go, hurry up, hurry up, let’s go, let’s go. It’s summer time and it’s time to hurry. There is lotsa stuff going on so not a lot of time to muse. I’ve brought it up before, but I...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 116: Darkest before the dawn…

For some of us the future seems dim, for some of us it seems brighter than ever. For some this is the start of a new era, for some this is a start of a Brave New World. No matter where you fall, ...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 109: Looking for the perfect episode…

So you say you’re looking for the perfect episode? Well I mentioned it briefly in the past, but I think we do have a pretty amazing solution. Even on longer episodes like this we are done with ...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 106: Together Everyone Achieves More…

Last time we talked about doing shit. Well no matter how much stuff you can get done it doesn’t compare to working with a team. However, that team only works if everyone pulls their weight. The...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 104: Back at it again with the long shows…

Yeah, I know. It’s almost comical at this point. At least Mrs. McFavorite gets a kick out of it. Almost three and a half hours again. Unfortunately we lost the original 104, it was only 2 hours...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 099: Podcasts recorded on the Web, 99 podcasts recorded…

Record one more, put it on the Web. 100 podcasts recorded on the Web. A year and a half ago I never thought we would get this close. Not to jinx us, but it looks like this is going to happen. The...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 098: Commitment, how many of us have them, uh, it…

I couldn’t help myself, had to go back to the music references. If this is your first time reading my musings, you probably don’t know that I really lean on music from my past for concepts. E...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 092: Friends, how many of us have them?…

At least ones we can depend on? I have preached about this before, but I think it’s important to reiterate. One of my online homies and most favorite toy personalities, Jason Devall, preaches t...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 091: The Problem with Expectations…

As I sit here and type this I’ve got a little anxiety. See I was expecting to register for JoeCon today. More importantly, I’m trying to register for a Golden Ticket. That’s right I’m pul...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 088: San Diego Comic-Con 2013!…

In the same fashion as two years ago. It’s 4 am, we leave for our flight in 12 hours. I still have to pack, send out BMF’s first birthday invitations, put together our swag, clean out our bac...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 084: Toy Fair 2013, PSYCHE (I know, its been done)…

I bet you thought this would be our Toy Fair episode and I think if we were any other podcast it would be. See my mom always taught me to finish what I started. We started this show about a week ...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 080: I am sick of writing these things…

Have you ever just gotten so sick of doing something you dread doing it. For some it might be yard work. For others unfortunately it’s their job. For me it’s these posts. For the most part I ...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 066: It’s gonna be a good life…

Have you ever had a song stuck in your head? Of course you have. How about for a few weeks? That’s how long this post’s namesake has been stuck in mine. Almost every moment of silence has bee...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 061: Did you have a good summer…

We did. Wow, did we. Unfortunately there’s something a little sad about the end of summer. I’m sure it stems from childhood and the almighty 3 month sabbatical we always looked forward to. Bu...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 060: It’s been a long time, I shouldn’t have left you…

Without a strong rhyme to step to Think of how many weak shows you slept through Time’s up, I’m sorry I kept you Thinking of this, you keep repeating you miss The rhymes from the microphone s...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 056: Now that’s what I call participation…

Thank you, thank you, thank you. That’s right, we put out a call for participation and we got it in spades. Thank you to everyone that has called and emailed. We have the most epic Listener Fee...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 054: Appreciate those who care, most people don’t…

Just a quick thought as it’s the midnight before Botcon and I still have more packing to do. There are people in our lives that truly care and some that don’t, or at least not very much. The ...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 051: par·tic·i·pa·tion (noun)

1. the act of participating 2. the state of being related to a larger whole Do you participate? Not specifically in any one thing, but just in general. Do you speak up during meetings or class? D...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 047: It’s beginning to look a lot like Toy Fair…

Toy Fair 2011 festivities start in mere hours. I get so damn excited during this time of year. It’s like my 2nd Christmas. We’ve already had a few big scoops. Leaked during the UK Toy Fair, w...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 046: Lists, we don’t need no stinking lists…

This one is going to be a quick as I’ve got a lot on my list. What list you may ask? My “2 Do List”. I live and die by it or should I say them. I have one on my phone one in my email at hom...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 040: The bleeps, the sweeps, and the creeps…

Hey gang. Well we’re on our last episode before our two year anniversary and wouldn’t you know technical difficulties are running rampant. I just listened to 30 minutes and wanted to shoot my...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 039: Back to the grill again, the grill again…

It feels amazing to finally be back in the swing. I’m sure you haven’t noticed, but it has been 3, yes, THREE months since we last did a regular show. That also means that we’ve only been p...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 035: I’m so excited and I just can’t hide it…

First off, sorry for the short delay. We were hoping to have this bi-weekly schedule on lock, but shit happens. The cast itself took a couple days (can’t imagine why at over two and a half hour...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 034: WOW, it seems like just yesterday…

We’ll I guess after you go for more than a month without doing something that makes you feel so good, then you do it twice in two weeks, it can definitely seem like just yesterday. Man, it feel...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 029: Man, it is a great time to be a collector!

Hey toy fans! Mr. Slicky here, happy as a clam. How happy is clam anyway? Well it really doesn’t matter, I’m still sitting here with a big stupid grin on my face. Yes, I have been drinking, b...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 028 (Part 3): Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!

Wow, finally. I thought the holidays were never going to end. We have officially started to take down our Christmas decorations. We were not being lazy for once, we actually had a good reason. La...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 028 (Part 2): Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!

As I sit here sober on a Sunday night, which hasn’t happened in a very long time, I’m excited, which also hasn’t happened in very long time. Okay, I’m actually very easily excitable and i...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 028 (Part 1): Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!

In the immortal words of Clark W. Griswald, "Hallelujah…Holy shit…Where’s the Tylenol?". Has it already been a year? A decade? Really? Seems like just yesterday we had started our own podca...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 026 (Part 1): It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

Hey toy fans, welcome back. Damn it feels good to be casting again. It had been one crazy summer. We blinked and fall is almost over. The stores are in full-on holiday mode. I even heard Christma...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 024 (Part 1): That’s a whole lotta questions, answers too.

That’s right; we’re back with another two-parter. We talked so damn much that we once again broke it up into two long ass shows. It’s okay though, because our next episode is our one year a...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 022 (Part 2): Mutha Fudgin’ San Diego Comic-Con!

Now that we are done with all the frivolity of recapping SDCC itself, it’s back to business. Part two of the Comic-Con wrap up is all the regular segments you have come to know and love (at lea...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 022 (Part 1): Mutha Fudgin’ San Diego Comic-Con!

As much as I wanted to drop an F-bomb, I still have a problem using profanity in my writing. Don’t mind the fact that both the Mrs. and I rock them like sailors on the regular. With that out of...


The Onion: Sony Releases New Stupid Piece Of Shit That Doesn’t Fucking Work

Okay, it’s real late and I’m about half-buzzed, but I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time. I first saw this on Boing Boing. Upon a second and third viewing, I’ve determined it is alr...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 008: Now longer, more incoherent and with free ramblings.

NOTE: This podcast was recorded over a week and a half ago. Due to our Valentine’s Weekend Extravaganza and one hell of a week it’s a little late. Our sincerest apologies. Look for a new cast...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 007: It’s our official James Bond epsiode. Psych!

The news keeps rolling in fast and furious. Star Wars and Transformers are going off. G.I. Joe isn’t far behind. Masters of the Universe, meh. Best yet, Houston we have toys. Yes, the stores fi...


cereal:geek – Issue One… What the hell took me so long to order these?

As I mentioned on our last cast, I finally pulled the trigger and ordered all four issues of cereal:geek, the UK magazine dedicated to the animation of the 80’s, from Graham Cracker Comic Books...


Brewster Rockit: Space Guy! (or the reason I read the Sunday comics again)

Hey toy fans, welcome back to another installment of the Open Your Toys blog. Today we stray slightly from our toy roots. I used to be a Sunday comics junkie. I followed Spiderman, The Boondocks,...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 003: MOTUC Faker, SDCC Stormie Commander, and shots.

Damn it. We do better on the release, but due to a lot of news, store info and miscellaneous shit, we come in 50% longer than our target. This week we talk about MOTU Faker, the original repaint,...


Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 002: Just under 2 weeks and just over 1 hour.

One day under two weeks and clocking in at about 1:12, we are so close to our target timeframe and duration it’s scary. This week we talk about the confirmed Masterpiece Grimlock and Disney Cro...


Spaceballs: The Animated Series – Sunday, September 21st at 5pm ET on G4

Mrs. McFavorite and I saw on Chelsea Lately, of all places, that Spaceballs: The Animated Series is finally going to premier in the US. Better yet, it’s going to be this Sunday on G4. They’re...
