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China-U.S. Trade Law

Insights & commentary on active trade disputes between China and the U.S.

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History Shows That It Pays Respondents To Participate In Tr...n 历史证明应积极参加美国国际贸易委员会调查

The US Department of Commerce (“DOC”) initiated 731 antidumping investigations between 1988 and 2008. Three hundred (or 41%) of those investigations did not result in an antidumping order bec...


The Stakes Are Too High For China Not To Cooperate And Part...st Counsel 积极参与贸易案件,重金聘请优秀律师

China Is A Target China has been the primary target of anti-dumping measures around the world for a very long time. More than 30 countries have initiated roughly 600 antidumping cases against 400...
