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———- Homicidal Outcasts, Mass Murderers, Suicidal Forget-menots. This is a blog dedicated to the twisted side of life, and the beautiful side as well, in it you will wonder and learn. The beautiful side usually equates to whatever you, the follower, finds beautiful, whether that be a cat or a dead person. I could honestly care less. ———– My name is Ana, I tap my fingers on books, desks, or even my thighs when I get nervous. I am a lover of music, and could listen to anything that soothes my nerves in times of stress. Last but not least, I go through phases of which I really want pugs, like a lot of them, and then phases where I want a thousand bullets to crash throughout my vein filled body. Either way, I have the human condition. ———– | 16 | Lesbian | PDX | ———— NSFW; I may possibly reblog gore, porn, and gifs regarding self mutilation. ———— IN SLOTHRUST I TRUST. ———–
