White sunnybell (Schoenolirion albiflorum) is a perennial member of the agave family. It occurs throughout peninsular Florida in the eastern half of the state with additional occurrences o...
Small's skullcap (Scutellaria multiglandulosa) is one of 11 native species in this genus in Florida and distributed from the central Panhandle south to the central peninsula. It...
Walter's groundcherry (Physalis walteri) is a perennial herbaceous species known more for its edible fruit than for its flowers. It is common statewide in Florida in a variety of upl...
Slender rosegentian (Sabatia campanulata) is one of 12 rosegentians native to Florida and found throughout much of the Panhandle counties in moist soil and sunny habitats. It al...
Least snoutbean (Rhynchosia minima) is one of nine native snoutbeans that occur in Florida and one of the most widely distributed. It is vouchered from nearly every county and its ...
Slender bush clover (Lespedeza virginica) is one of 10 native bush clovers that occur in Florida. Its range is restricted to the western half of the Panhandle, but it ranges across much ...
Glossyseed yellow stargrass (Hypoxis sessilis) is a perennial herbaceous wildflower vouchered throughout much of Florida from the Panhandle to Miami-Dade County. It also is repor...
Black death-camas (Stenanthium texanum) is a much rarer species in Florida (and elsewhere) than its more widely distributed relative crow poison (S. densum). It has only been repo...
Wild allamanda (Pentalinon luteum) is a perennial evergreen woody vine native to the southern coastal counties of Florida - from Lee County on the west coast to St. Lucie County on the wes...
For a good many years, I have been growing wildflowers at my home as a licensed nursery known as Hawthorn Hill. My goal has never been to make money but to make a greater diversity of weildf...
Hairy phlox (Phlox amoena) is an uncommon native phlox in Florida - vouchered sporadically in extreme north Florida: Escambia and Jefferson Counties in the Panhandle and four counties ...
Gulf Coast lupine (Lupinus westianus) is a short-lived perennial endemic to the western Panhandle counties of Florida and listed as a state-threatened species. Like other native ...
Large-leaved jointweed (Polygonum smallianum) is a perennial sub-shrub found in scrub habitat within a very restricted range in western peninsular Florida and in one county (Baldwin...
Photo by Steve Coleman Two photos above by Floyd Griffith Bearded milkvetch (Astragalus villosus) is an annual member of the legume family and one of two milkvetches native to Florid...
Florida milkvetch (Astragalus obcordatus) is a perennial legume (bean/pea family) that is nearly endemic to Florida. Isolated populations have been vouchered in Mississippi, Alaba...
Photos above by Floyd Griffith Photo above by R.W. Smith From website of Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Southern bluet (Houstonia micrantha) is an annual wildflower vouchered o...
Tiny bluet (Houstonia pusilla) is a diminutive member of a genus that also includes the widespread wildflower commonly known as Innocence (Houstonia procumbens). This species, howe...
Common leopardbane (Arnica acaulis) is a rare perennial wildflower in Florida, vouchered only from Jackson and Liberty Counties in the Panhandle, but more commonly found in the Sou...
Wood betony (Pedicularis canadensis) is a perennial wildflower found across the eastern half of North America from east Texas north to Minnesota and Maine in the U.S. and in the adjoining l...
Yellow fumewort (Corydalis flavula) is an annual wildflower found in only three Florida counties (Jackson, Calhoun, and Liberty) in the central Panhandle. It is widely distributed no...
Florida water aster (Symphyotrichum fontinale) is an endemic perennial member of one of the most varied and important families of wildflowers in Florida (and North America). This species occ...
Field pansy, also known as Johnny jump-up, (Viola rafinesquei) is one of at least 12 species of violets found in Florida. The taxonomy of our violets remains a bit confused, but this membe...
White sunbonnets (Chaptalia albicans) is a state-threatened perennial wildflower native to the pine rockland habitats of Miami-Dade County. It is not an endemic species, however, as it a...
White screwstem (Bartonia verna) is an annual member of the Genian family found nearly statewide in Florida in the edges of open shallow sunny wetlands. It has not been reported in Miami-Dad...
Fourleaf vetch (Vicia acutifolia) is a member of the bean family (Fabaceae) that occurs widely throughout peninsular Florida and much of the Panhandle in a wide variety of wet to mois...