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Nkosi is a young artistic polymath who was born on the island of St. Lucia, West Indies and is based out of Miami. Florida. Even in his present formative years as a photographer, Nkosi’s travels have spanned the globe to include interesting locations such as the Caribbean, North America, Asia and Africa. He has developed a strong online presence on social media, has already published his first photo book which features images shot on a road trip throughout South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe, and he is a contributing photographer for several online publications including the popular website OceanTrader.Co. Nkosi has also amassed a significant portfolio of images produced in collaboration with many young urban models in South Florida, and other talent throughout the Caribbean. Nkosi’s photography uses the gift of intuitive story telling and human spontaneity. His immediate goals seek to expand on mastering 35mm digital photography and videography, but he also has a keen interest in delving into other photographic avenues such as 4X5 large format film and digital outputs. Nkosi will also be producing a series of fine art Black & White images that he will initially share on this website. He is very dedicated to the creative journey he now finds himself pursuing, and he has been fortunate so far in being able to acquire and depend on high quality photographic equipment. The continuation of this journey will be the unfolding years that will produce the inspiring imagery that he seeks. This is truly an exciting time to be involved with the visual arts, especially photographic visual arts. Modern digital imaging technology challenges an artist such as Nkosi to exceed the typical capabilities of the equipment and produce imagery that is at once Devine and even simple in the mastery of capturing and controlling light

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