sir i want a numerical example on the basis of instance selection usinh locality sensitive hashing (LSH-IS) ibut i cannot pretend how to compute this in mathematics so plz help me
That's a very nice summary of the paper: thanks! I once asked on CSTheory how to do this. One comment pointed me to the paper you mention. There's also an answer pointing to some more recent work...
In reply to Urbanowicz. Yes, the first problem can be solved for any f. But see ...
Why do we requre $f$ to be special (in terms of randomness) in Problem 1? Seems like it will work for any reasonable $f$.
In reply to npc. Hi npc, Sorry for the late response! Yes...
This doesn't seem as exciting to me as you make it sound, so I'd like to understand what this is a little better, if you'll indulge me. It seems to me that a weak source of randomness means you h...
Could you point us to some source code implementing this?
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You're right that the security property they prove is like the one you mention. However, this together with the ordinary (indistinguishability against chosen-plaintext attack) security of the enc...
were both named after our good friend Siméon. **For another perspective on the SIIRV result, see this post by my partner in crime,