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Scary Paranormal Stories & Short Horror Microfiction


The Wanderers

My first job was at a gas station in the town of Redwood in the midwest. It’s been my home town now for going on forty years. It’s not a town like most towns you see. We have a city hall/poli...



“Mmm…” my hand slid over to my phone, attempting to tap the “dismiss” tab as the alarm blared in my apartment room. After missing it twice, I sat up and glared at the phone. My heart sp...



There it is, again. Just there, in my world, where it has no right to be. And it’s just, dangling so. It’s right there, right in front of me, so provocative. Dangling in my face. Taunting me....



I live in a small, rural town that was nestled away from the hustle and bustle of city life in an area not that far from Richmond, Virginia. It’s the kind of town that would take about 20 mins ...


We Chose Hell

HELLO. My name is Max Regnier. My story begins at the end – if there is an end. I’ve been consigned to the fourth circle of Hell. If you’ve ever read Dante’s “Inferno,” or even if not...


Hockey Pucks

Three years ago, a serial killer terrified my small hometown. He was referred to as the Chase Pond slasher. He was called that because he murdered four people near a pond with that name. Three bo...


Relax FM

“Biiip,” echoed the machine in the empty back room by the door as my employee identification card swiped it. “Clocked out: 10:17 p.m. Have a good evening, Anthony.” It was a long walk to ...


Non Dormire

A MAN’S HOME is his castle. That’s what they say. Do you know what a castle is? A fortress that’s supposed to be impenetrable. It’s my job to penetrate them. Yeah, I’m a burglar. I chal...


The Raft

Why is the lady on the flat boat waving at me? Why is she pointing at me, then pointing to the flat boat then waving her arms waist high while shaking her head side to side like a football refere...



The YouTube narrator leaned forward in his computer chair and opened a new email submission from a listener. It read; Hello, my name’s Gina. The following events took place when I was a sheriff...


The Sky Giant

Rollercoasters. I hated them. I always did. When it came to school trips to the local theme parks, I always sat them out. I could enjoy the lazy rapids or the log flumes, the tilt-a-whirls or the...


Rate Me

When you’re asked to rate a person, irrespective of how crass that request is, you expect to be rating an individual who, though they can be offended or hurt by your assessment, will move on fr...


God is Dead

Even now, I wonder if it was not that damnable Siberian cold that brought the spell upon us of group hysteria and shared hallucination. What else might account for the realization in the flesh of...



From her cubicle, Veronica saw the light blinking on her console. While not uncommon, working the morning shift was more sedate. Usually only car accidents during the morning commute. She adjuste...


The Weaver

My vision was hazy. I could feel warm liquid trickling down my forehead as I attempted to lift my head. The car’s blinker thundered inside of me like a heavy bass. I tasted the blood inside of ...



September 28th, 2003 Chad: Pause? Melissa: Okay Jackson: Okay…wait, gimme a sec. Brian: Sure Laura: Yep Joshua: Yes, I’m ready. Chad: Okay….pause on three. One…two…three. C...


One Call

One call. Years of service with the police and there was one call that I’ll never forget. The shift started like any other. Nine PM start and I was in for the long run. It was a cold, Monday ni...


Simon’s Past

Time is almost up for Simon; he lies in his hospital bed waiting with each passing moment the same as the last. He shares a room with other elderly people, waiting for their number to be called. ...


Night Shift

I work the night shift at a local mom-and-pop convenience store at the front of my neighborhood. We sell snacks, drinks, milk, bread, all the normal stuff that people need but aren’t willing to...



Melody wakes up screaming. It’s midnight. Her body jolts up. Eyes shut tight; mouth open wide. Screams rip from her throat. They turn into sobs as Buster jumps onto the bed. He nestles his head...


Edge of Space

My name is Metteo Aerni, I am a astro guidance scientist. This is my account of what I have been through the last 14 years. I used to work for the Combined European Space & Research organization,...



We don’t celebrate Halloween where I come from. My main exposure to it as a kid was through Western media, and while I didn’t fully understand the premise, I found the general aesthetic of th...



As Tabitha stalked down the sidewalk on her way home, she scanned her path intently. Not only was she diligently avoiding stepping on the cracks in the concrete – her older brother, Tommy, had ...



Tommy was lying in bed when he heard heheard a gunshot ring out in his Nebraskan home.. Gunshots were not an unusual sound for Tommy. His pa was a esteemed gun collector and living on the farm hi...


Toothless Joe

Miss Green wiped away the thick layer of condensation that had gathered on her classroom’s paper thin-window. She flicked away the droplets from her hand, peered out into the misty morning scho...


The Dancer

I was told I shouldn’t write this. My friends, those few that I have left, tell me it will be embarrassing, a public declaration of my mental illness. My father, dry as ever, reminded me that i...



I frantically threw my shirt off my head, covering my bare chest and staring down at the fabric on the ground as my heart played a tune. I had felt the bugs inside the shirt as I was putting it o...


The Owls

“You know, it wasn’t always like this, Clarice.” “Who’s Clarice?” she asked delicately. “And how is it different now, Seth?” “Well, it used to be— used to be a lot quieter.”...


I Know No One

Night One Hello, I am Sally, or Sal for short. I have a story for you that happened about a year ago. I need to tell someone because it is a tale that has been gnawing away at my mind. It is a st...


The Cricket

It was her platinum blonde hair with silver highlights that stood out most in his memory. And that she was pale, thin and amazingly beautiful. He backtracked his thoughts. No not pale. Milky whit...



The mirror showed a reflection that wasn’t my own. It happened the first time a couple of days ago at the restaurant, and I’d hardly caught it during a brief glance while I quickly washed my ...


Gray Hell

Sulfuric clouds rained ash upon the barren landscape, coating it like freshly-fallen snow. There were no stars—merely glimpses of an orange sky, like open wounds against the canopy of volcanic ...


The Chemist

The television screen slowly phased into focus some few steps in front of me. Some shopping channel peddling jewelry that people would buy as gifts for their family that no would actually be happ...


The Tunnel

Around my area there’s an old urban legend of a condemned tunnel that used to be a part of the railroad that ran throughout my town. It was really active until the 80’s when the train deraile...



Curiosity isn’t always a good thing. I once thought discovering everything the world had to offer was my true passion. It turns out though some things are best left alone. I always had an inter...


Pastel Graze

She had scolded me once again, told me that we had gone on this trip as an escape from the monotony of life in the city and bond as a couple, as if I already hadn’t known that. Expressing her f...


Grey Hunting

My name is John Dawson. I’m a police lieutenant from Canton, Georgia. In my twenty years on the force, I have dealt with some pretty rough characters. My family and I live in a small suburban h...



When he found himself leaving high school and thrust into the real world, Max never imagined that meant working a minimum wage job at a ghost mall. There hadn’t been a single customer in their ...



It was a minute past midnight on a humid August Saturday in Manhattan, and Adrian DeCaux sat alone in his office. From twelve stories below, he could hear the drunken yelling of the night. From w...


Grand Opening!

“Darren, did you know they opened a Target in Owingsville?” my wife Deborah asked me excitedly. “Grab the car keys and let’s go check it out!” I rolled my eyes. It was almost six in the...



There’s a trail that leads out of Leadville, Colorado, raised like a railroad on high banks. It leads to what remains of Oro City, a true 1860s-era ghost town from the gold rush days. The eleva...



“Damn, I ain’t never seen it turn so cold before!” shouted Marshall over the howling winds of the snowstorm. “Just keep going! As long as we keep moving we’ll make it to the cave by sun...


By a Lake

Truth be told, I’m still not sure how or when I came to this place. I have the memories, the whole chain of factors is all there, it’s just buried and muddled and I find my head swimming tryi...



“There are no monsters lurking in the woods or under the sea. There are only beasts and the gnawing pulse of life, the eternal cycle of eating and being eaten in the sharp teeth of the hungry a...


The Brightman

Thunderstorms, the epitome of both nature’s beauty and it’s wrath. I remember as a boy being terrified of them. Whenever a big storm rolled in I would hide under my covers with a flashlight. ...


Stained Glass

Some urban legends have a way of weaving themselves into communities like a sparkling accent. When I was a substantially younger man, our favorite local tale was the Grapevine Angel story. A crum...


The Stoneman

There is a statue my family has retained ownership of and cared for during many centuries. Supposedly it is of a great grand relative of some type who helped establish our family’s wealth by fo...


Soul Stalker

What’s your worst fear? Do you even know? If you said something like spiders or clowns— that’s kid stuff; take a second and try again…  I don’t want to hear things like heights or smal...



Stress lines, sunken eyes, walking corpse surrounded by flies buzzing around a quiet library where nothing can be heard, but the sound of clacking keyboards; he sits hunched over his work he will...


Death Watch

Hello there, friend, and welcome to Bradshaw, Texas, where the steaks are bloody, andthe trucks are muddy. I wonder if I could invite you to join me as a fly on the wall this evening… Me? Oh, f...


The Apiarist

A storm plagued much of eastern most part of Kentucky as the Wagners sped down the interstate that dissected this portion of the state. Adeline and Darius Wagner had been on a road trip with thei...



Editor’s note: This transcript is from a video that was posted by the user 1101001dontsuffer onto the video platform YouTube, but was deleted only a few days after being posted. Other users who...



The night that Oskar Strid returned home, after having been missing for almost a decade, was not a celebratory one. His father had answered the door when Oskar knocked, then stood and stared at h...


Bon Appétit!

As I stood there in the hallway, halfway between the back door and the basement door, I began to realize how quiet it was. For a moment I thought I had heard something. Like feet shuffling. Or wa...



I grew up on a small farm in the middle of nowhere, raised by Christian parents in the middle of the Bible Belt. Needless to say, my upbringing was…strict. Every Sunday we would be the first pe...



She hated taking the dog out in the rain. Max would always spend five minutes sniffing around aimlessly before finally deciding on a place to piss, and would then spend another five deciding whet...



The flutters appeared, as they always did, when the noise of confessions ceased and gave way to silence. When the rectory’s door blocked guidance-seeking and pardon-thirsty parishioners from re...



“I HAVEN’T WRITTEN anything since last year.” “Why do you think that is?” I’m sitting in the office of Dr. Gregory Prah, Ph.D., assigned to hold me during my 5250 hold. That’s not w...



My uncle was an eccentric man. An accomplished physicist, he was at the top of his field when he abruptly decided to end his career and retire to his villa in the French countryside. His friends ...



Cole stood alone on a hill in a world without color. There was fog all around him, and he did not know where he was. The boy could not see more than five feet ahead of him in any direction. Only ...


Gift of Old

A young, dark blond woman with a backpack checked the list of stores in her hand. Of the seven names, she crossed out four. She checked her phone for directions to the antique store Gifts of Old....


Three Knocks

It was midnight, and Sam Kessler was trying to believe that he was alone. He crouched against a cold tile floor and peeked out from cracked blinds, staring into the impenetrable snowstorm outside...


Split Reality

August 13th, 2014 I’ve never, ever written in a journal before in my life, but after who I met yesterday I thought I might want to start one, for his sake and my own. I’ve been a therapist fo...


The Green

The music cuts out and everyone stops dancing. The girl in front of him removes his hands from her waste and disappears into the crowd. As if from a distance, Richie hears the owner of the house,...


Radio Star

If a picture spoke a thousand words, then a sound could speak millions.Simply watching murder was boring – it left nothing to the imagination. And expensive. God – they cost so much to get in...


The Reaker

“I wouldn’t go in there if I were you,” says Oliver to Peter, as they stand at the entrance of one of the many openings of the Clintwood City Sewage System. The entrance has a thick metalli...



Felix’s dulled reflection on the computer screen yawned, eyes half closed as he watched the screen turn blue, then black, then a bright, searing white. He groaned, stretching across the table a...


Stop Signs

Davis knocked on the door, holding his clipboard in hand. A few moments passed before it opened, and he was greeted by a somewhat elderly man; maybe in his mid-fifties. “Hello?” said the man....



It was a brisk morning. Snow still lined the side of the road, sparking under the glare of the sun. “Reminds me of Edward ” I thought to myself, I couldn’t help but to laugh a little.“Wha...


The Auction

The first time I saw it I was trying to sell a dead woman’s clothes.  It was all legal of course. Her storage unit was full of them. She had died in a nursing home with no next of kin, and tha...



A coward has many guises, and my bluff; has been called. I’m not a brave man. I slept with a night light on until I was in my twenties. Yet, here I am, Mr. Tough-guy, the first line of defense ...


The Drehleier

I found the following letter in a music text book in our school library.It’s pretty weird, but thought it would be best to share it here…make of it what you will. “Hey.I’ve been mulling o...


Mister Wink

Annie wasn’t enjoying dinner, her eyes instead staring down at her light-up shoes (which had been a gift from her Grandmother) beneath the table. It wasn’t because she disliked the meal her M...



It wasn’t a big wedding. It didn’t take place at a fancy golf course or five-star hotel. Just a small community center on the outskirts of a quiet mid-western town. Family, close friends, an ...


In Memoriam

I She did not wake crying, screaming, or flailing against sweat-soaked sheets as she had done for the last 353 mornings. Her body felt rested, charged with an unexpected energy. She sat up in bed...



When the fog first came, it loitered around the coastal towns and cities, occasionally venturing inland, out of its comfort zone, to cause problems for a few hours each day in the early hours or ...



I used to love showers. The way time seemed to stop when I was taking one. I’d get in the stall, turn on the hot water and forget about all. Two-minute showers weren’t for me. I was the type ...


Quiet Stanley

The town I grew up in, Lay Marsh, was a pretty average place. Parents moved there because they wanted a quiet, safe environment for their kids to grow up. They were upper-lower class, hoping one ...



It is truly amazing just how much pain the human body is able to endure with the proper motivation. For weightlifters and athletes, it’s the goal of looking better and becoming stronger that he...



It’s December. The time of year when reality seems to buckle and split, a single braided rope fraying into parallel manic and depressive strands. Holiday cheer everywhere, LED lights and joyous...



The leaves seemed to fall slower, now that only a handful adorned each tree. The gnarled fingers of each branch were almost bare and the majesty of the autumnal colours had made way, shifting int...


Step By Step

You’ve probably never counted how many steps are on your staircase, yet, if you were to walk those steps with your eyes closed, you’d know exactly when you’ve reached the top. So, what woul...


Project Omni

My eyes drifted without purpose; it took me a moment to retrieve my unending thoughts. Left to reflect on the boundless horrors, void of compromise. My fellow scientists were having an intense co...


Pale Face

I didn’t mean for things to get so out of hand. It was supposed to be innocent when it started but it’s spiraled so far out of control that I don’t know how I’m going to ever escape this....



“Mother?” In the dim light of my bedroom, cast by a single candlestick that made shadows dance on the ceiling, I sought her smiling face. It anchored my life and my world. “Yes, dear?” �...


Eternal Sleep

Arthur Gaunt had spent his whole life as a slave to curiosity. Above all else, he yearned for truth and an answer to those questions he had never thought to ask. No matter where or when, a namele...


2.4 MPH

I know Death. I know Death very well. I’ve known Death for eleven years and three months now. Ever since the car accident in 2006 I’ve been on the run from Death. I’m convinced it’s a mis...


Patient 367

He says that he visits abandoned asylums, prisons, hospitals and so on, and showcases them for others to see. I heard a voice saying. I opened my eyes and squinted, I appeard to be lying in some ...


Wyld Isle

I don’t know what actually caused it, or what the “entity” even was. All I know is that if I don’t tell this story I’m going to go crazy. I think it’s best to just start at the beginn...


Bottle Caps

As anyone who is or has been the “nerdy kid” growing up can attest to, you can’t help but assume the worst when the biggest bloke in class suddenly walks up to you. It took him calling me b...


The Quilt

I found the quilt some years ago in Aberdeen, Scotland while traveling on business. It was in a small shop on an old cobblestone street off of Union Street called The Goat and Toad. The quilt was...



I softly clicked record on my laptop as I settled myself at the quaint old kitchen table across from my interview subject. “Could you please state your name, and the date,” I said in as pleas...



Tim hadn’t been to the town he was born in in years. His parents moved away from the small town in the Midwest when Tim was very young, after his father got a job offer at a major law firm in C...



Thick hazy air hung beneath the shaking lights as raindrops shivered and splattered across steaming glass. A curious, hollow stench lashed out like an invisible whip from one row to the next, and...


Caged Animal

They say that when an animal is caged, the animal will go through several stages of acceptance. Firstly, they will explore their new environment, experiencing the dimensions of their space. After...



Choices define us. A series of decisions made throughout our lives that make us who we are. I have made some bad choices in my life, mostly all bad, now that I think about it. Choices that have l...


Campfire Tales

My name is Marcus, and I’m an alcoholic. I know what you’re thinking: this is just another sob story about some loser whose life went off the rails after he found the bottle, right? Well, it�...



They say that death comes quickly, that your whole life flashes before your eyes and then you know peace. It wasn’t like that for me. The day started like any other. I opened my eyes to birdson...


The Bottle

As I sit here now beside my pond and watch the autumn fog dance along the water, and as the leaves whisper and chatter to one another as the wind lets them, I think of my wife, and how sorry I am...


The Glawackus

When my grandfather passed away during an early winter, my family scrambled to rid the house of his belongings before the first major storm. The asphalt-shingle roof of his one-story home was col...


Poppy’s Peril

It’s Halloween eve. The night is delightfully crisp, with a bright, low-lying moon. The thrill of anticipation can be felt in the air. The autumn leaves blow with a scritch-scratch along the pa...


The Bag

October 31st… Some love it, some hate it. Uber Christians claim Halloween is a day full of devil worshiping and witchcraft. While on the other side of the eerily festooned fence, creepy and dep...


The Rift

Anomaly: 18-9-6-20 RiftData File #19/23/2015Event recount #1Inspector on site: Det. Mitchell Anderson PITFSite Area 2_New York1400 hours-32 minutes-18 secondsSituation: Victim01 and Victim02 work...


The Hive

Mother told me to not weep. Though she lay dying… Rumor of her passing — imminent, pendulous — no doubt had spread. I heard the whisperings all about me as I made my way through the halls o...


Sympathy Card

I can remember getting my first sympathy card sixty years ago when I was a junior at Nichols College in Massachusetts back in 1962. I was a twenty-year old Finance and Accounting major back then....



In college, Thomas Eiden had studied under a professor named Dale Collins. While that name is meaningless to most people, he was a legend in journalism circles. He had worked for the New York Tim...



It’s scary how times have changed, those we thought invincible, taken away without so much as a fight. The world feels a little colder these days, well, at least to me. I miss my mum, I would d...


The Study

I should have known this would be a fucking scam. I thought as I sat and waited in the parking lot while the clock digits kept increasing. We had been waiting 45 minutes for an event that was sup...


Night Walks

Last summer, I started going on walks at night. It was a good way to relieve myself from the stresses of life: most oppressing of which were work and trying to be a good parent for my daughter. I...


The Canary

I didn’t know what to think as she slinked towards me, fresh from her afternoon swim. Still in her favorite black bikini. Wet hair slicked back. Wearing pitch-black sunglasses that concealed th...


Plot Thirteen

I open my eyes, yet they do not see. I reach out with my hands, yet I am constrained. I inhale deeply, but dank air fills my lungs. Where am I? My mind races as I try to remember how I got in thi...


The Seed

We’ve all seen our fair share of horror movies. Classics such as Wes Craven’s “A Nightmare On Elm Street” and Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining”, were known for filling our mortal soul...


Room for Two

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve had a number of well-intentioned people in my general orbit comment that they’ve noticed a large uptick in the amount of alcohol that I’ve been consuming...


Lake Retreat

A rattled knob echoed throughout the lifeless space. It traveled across a family-less living room, bounced around the cabinets of a foodless kitchen, and wandered down a dark hallway to a sleeple...



A child was costly, and he had such little money. His mind, also, had been unwell. He hadn’t been himself of late, like his brain had gotten sick much in the way that the body often does in the...


Golden Oldies

“I’m worried that if I tell you, you might never be the same again.”This is what Ronnie tells me later on when I press him for information but for now, I’m ten minutes early and starting ...


The Door

In the weak light of the porch lamp, the door stood illuminated. The wood was splintering and the gray paint was flaking heavily. At eye level there were patches of paint missing, showing where y...


Bed mates

I still remember the day I assembled this bed, it wasn’t too long ago after all. The old mattress needed to be thrown away, so I told myself I could as well change the whole thing.A queen-size,...


The Body

In the pitch black darkness of nightfall, many unsavory things can and often do take place. We are told at a young age that nothing can get you in the dark… that you’re safe. Unfortunately, t...



The first time she could remember her father leaving she was four, strangely it wasn’t the first time she’d felt as though she were alone. It was an odd sensation to know that there would be ...



“Herman! HERMAN!” A hoarse voice called from down the hall. A young man, only just recently considered an adult in the legal sense, looked over his shoulder down the exquisite hallway he was ...


Hope’s End

The buzzing of my phone pulled my eyes away from the road. An image of a smirking dark haired woman and the words HeartBreaker filled the phone’s screen. I thought about answering it and scream...


Stay Away

Tyler and I have been friends for years. We met at the local church when we were little. We have been attached at the hip ever since. For as long as I’ve known him Tyler has only had one rule i...



All she wanted was to enjoy some soup while reading her new book; she didn’t prepare anything else, just plain tomato soup. She went to “drink” her soup when she felt something solid and mo...


The Hotel

The Broughton Palace was perhaps the nicest hotel I had ever stayed at; dozens of floors, casinos, buffets, an Olympic-size swimming pool, and it even had a massive arcade. Just one of the many p...


Red Light

Driving late at night was never something I enjoyed. There were too many variables that could go wrong. A headlight could go out, I could get lost, maybe even fall asleep at the wheel, and worst ...


Iris Bound

From an unconsciousness as deep as non-existence, Iris’s eyes flashed open. For a moment she thought she was blind. She blinked and turned her head but there was nothing but pitch blackness. A ...


Under Cover

“Hi, D”. The voice was familiar, perhaps even too familiar for her liking. As she rolled her eyes he briskly walked over to her desk, almost as if her eyes were a hook and she’d caught the ...



THE FIRST DIRECTIVE Obey and serve only the One Mind.– Manual of Directives and Subdirectives At ten your head is shaved. At twenty you are assigned your new designation and role. You’re no l...


Sacred Bond

Licking the apple lip gloss off my lips isn’t enough to calm me down. I might as well down the whole bottle, puke out every last bit of brain matter I have, blackout from the exhaustion and pro...


The Backroads

Thursday Today is Thursday, June 16, 2022, and I don’t know where I am. I’m parked on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, and I’m not even sure this is still Louisiana. I haven�...


Dr. Ophelia

The bell in the antique grandfather clock of the rec room of the psych ward struck twelve. It was time for your appointment. That was good. You actually liked your visits with Dr. Ophelia (offici...


Cry Wolf

When the Ukrainian-Russian war began, NATO responded by stationing troops to the boarder to deter Russia of further attacks into Europe. My unit was one of hundreds, if not thousands of units sel...


Nighty Night

For the past five years, it’s just been Ian and me. My wife’s pregnancy with him wasn’t easy. There were a number of scares and close calls due to health issues that she had experienced all...


The Maze

I’m writing this story as a warning, if you ever find a floppy disk with the words The Maze written on it in marker, I implore you to throw it away. Don’t insert it and certainly don’t run ...


Stupid Games

Prophetic Ender Think your ripple has no meaning?Think a rifle won’t leave men bleeding?I’m tired of preachers that are blind to their wordsI’m sick of acts that are silent to the herdAnd s...


Book Club

Claire stood by the door, the room barely lit by a few tall candles, waiting simply for the door to open once more. Staring out the aged cylinder glass window she wished she could be part of the ...



Dear God, Please forgive this poor sinner for how long it has been since I have last prayed to you. I swear that it wasn’t because of a lack of faith or loss of wanting to be wrapped in your gr...


Sleep Singing

My wife had always been a sound sleeper. She never snored, talked in her sleep, nor was she particularly restless. Oftentimes, she’d wake up in the same position she passed out in with barely a...



In the middle of nowhere, under a sky of darkness filled with unrecognizable stars, there is a crossroads. Its roads are made of rocks and dirt, and walking along them fills the cold air with dus...


The Shadow

Hi there, I’m going to be writing this down as a…“therapeutic exercise”. Ugh, I hate these therapists, thinking they can help. Trust me that, after the events I’ll soon be retelling, th...



My alarm clock went off at 11:30 AM, signaling the start of my day. I got up and made myself a pot of coffee as I normally did and began my day. I lived in a small town, and worked from home, so,...



Have you ever heard of urban spelunking, or maybe urban exploration? It’s really awesome, like modern day adventuring. You explore cool old buildings that no one has been in forever. It can be ...


The Corridor

“Elizabeth!…” I hoarsely shouted as I shot up into a sitting position in the bed. I awoke and found myself drenched in sweat, a massive headache and with the worst scratchy throat I’ve ev...



The lanky man rolled a blunt with one hand, a trick only the most committed stoners can manage. After pinching the two ends together he lit up in his car. Smoke saturated the claustrophobic space...


A Crooked Man

The Crooked Man was tired,His aching bones grew weary.A longing for death he had acquired,His mind filled with thoughts so eerie. He wondered why he was the only one to writhe,In the crooked plac...



Horror is subjective, there’s no denying that. I have told my story to others over the years, to which some have claimed that it was no more than a sob story, masquerading as horror. As I said;...


Red River

Little Sammy Nicholson fell off the bike for the third and final time. He scraped his knees and peeled the top layer of skin off his palms. The boy looked down at the miniscule spots of blood beg...


Night World

It’s my oldest memory. I’m standing in dad’s office, books are raining from the shelves as the ground shakes under my feet. It’s an earthquake, my first one so to me it’s pretty scary. ...


Born on 13

The following was recorded in New York City during a group session on Friday, August 13, 2021; EIT 0-3-7 ———————————— JAMIE: Hello everyone, I’m Jamie— GROUP: Hi Jamie...


Don’t Scream

Tap tap tap. This is just a coincidence. It’s not like my story came to life…right?  _________________________ A knock on the door radiates through my ears, my brain and thoughts already kno...


Uber Eats

I drive for Uber. It is by no means a glamorous profession, but it keeps my bills paid and the roof of my small studio apartment over my head. I truly love the freedom it allows me. While I’m n...


Let Me In

When I was ten years old, I heard a man die and did nothing to help. It’s not something I’m proud of, but I was just a scared kid at the time. My parents often left me alone at home when I wa...


Voodoo Karen

Hello there, my name is Katie; I found this community because I have a story to tell, and I think it’s one you will appreciate. I’m forty, and I have lived in a small town near New Orleans fo...


We Return

“There is nothing in the thetan, past or future.” – George M. Witek, “Lucifer’s Bridge” FIRST comes the coronation. Off comes my hair. The Crown will come later. Second, the washing a...



American writer of horror fiction, best known for his creation of the Cthulhu Mythos, H.P. Lovecraft once said: “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and stronges...



The say the only certainty in life is death and taxes. Well, I probably know better than most. You see, I had a run in with the dread angel. Am I alive, you ask? You may be querying, ‘Has this ...


The Stranger

THE STRANGER only comes at night. He only comes to certain people, too: those trapped in life, unable to free themselves from the daily grind and the cares that keep you from caring. Those sick o...



I could really use a vacation. I haven’t so much as breached the border of the state I live in, in nearly six years. My life had become routine. Every day I wake up at 6:30 AM, shower, brush my...


The Last File

The following is a highly classified, transcripted document. Any Agency personnel below level five clearance caught with this file in their possession without explicit and signed permission from ...


Leaving Town

My body floated through space. I was weightless, drifting towards the moon. As I got closer, I began to feel. First normal sensations. Then deep, extreme pain. With a loud crack, my eyes opened. ...



“Is this quest enough to sustain you? Is this accumulation of curses really worthwhile? Has everything progressed perfectly, with no loss or sorrow?” Not so, for me. – Creepypasta, “The H...



Ryan slammed his back against the wall and slowly slid down, sitting on the bathroom floor. The iron-like smell of blood filled his nostrils and partially repulsed him. He closed his eyes to take...



My parents took care of everything: my plane ride, luggage, tuition enrollment, and accommodations with Uncle Garry. I couldn’t wait. Since I was five, I’ve wanted to become a farmer; what be...


The Taxi Fare

It was after midnight and a lone taxi was driving down the dark country roads. In the absence of street lights, the road looked eerily empty as he drove on through the thick billowing fog. The pi...


The Landmark

Have you ever been driving down a familiar road and notice a landmark that stands out to you? In the city you know where you are by the intersection or by your favorite stores and coffee shops. H...



My alarm clock awakens me at 6 a.m. as it does every morning. I sit up with a yawn and take inventory of myself and my surroundings — as I do every morning. The bunker where I spend my life is ...


The Trees

Over by Snap-Neck Swamp there are trees of a very particular type. They are tall and gangly, with slender boughs that sway this way and that and very few leaves to grace the tips of their branche...



My name is James Matthew Peterson, and something strange has been going on in my apartment. I moved into my new place on the lower east side of New York in April, and at first everything was grea...


Final Cut

Sunday, Day 1: Hey, Night Crawlers! Fuck, Eddie and I missed you guys! Today is Day One of the “sorry I left you hanging again” marathon. The Feds and I have differing opinions regarding the ...



“You never let me have anything or go anywhere or do what I want! I always have to follow your stupid rules! You don’t even know what it’s like to be a kid anymore. They didn’t even HAVE ...



Two days passed. He still hadn’t returned. We weren’t sure which of the five family members had left the kitchen door open. But our beloved twelve year old golden retriever found his way out ...


Stay Tuned

Now… I hope all my Night Crawlers feel as good as I do this evening! The fact we have 317 people in the chat is mind boggling enough, but if you would’ve told me we’d eventually hit 10k sub...


The Séance

“Good Evening!” The young woman greeted me as she opened the door. She spoke with a very strange and vaguely Eastern European accent. Her face stood out starkly against the dark hallway behin...


Next Time

Now… Gooood evening, Night Crawlers! I still can’t believe we have over a hundred people in our streams now! Lady, Lore, Disco, Q, Livers, all my original crew – can you guys believe this? ...



No one had ever lived there. At least, not as long as I could remember. But I was 12, so that didn’t mean much. I asked dad once, but we’d moved in only a year before I was born. And no one w...


Code Amber

It was just past 7:00 PM, as I was sat in my car outside of a small diner when I got it, the amber alert. My phone began to fiercely vibrate and ring. I was going to look into it, but I was so hu...


Coming Soon

January 11, 2022 Hello, um, hey Night Crawlers… if I can still call you that. So, listen, it’s January 11, 2022, and… I know it’s been a while since you heard from me… I’m honestly ...


The Faces

Since I was young I was always interested in the macabre and true crime, so much so I would commonly visit places where horrific events had taken place. I had once taken a trip to the remains of ...


Purple Stout

David had just finished his shift at the Duke and Lion and was walking back to his house, half in a daze, rubbing his eyes slothenly to try and wake himself up a little. The shift at the pub had ...


Acid man

“I got us something stronger for tonight.”, Frank said with an eager grin. “What do you mean stronger?”, I asked with hesitant curiosity. “Stronger than weed”, he reached into his poc...



“Hurricane Gabrielle continues to devastate the entire east coast. It’s quite the storm ladies and gentlemen. Best to stay inside.” Father Henry and Father Paul were running late for their ...



One No wind blew on the fields that morning. The distant trees stood still and the grass was stiff on the hillsides. The overcast sky stood fixed in place, and the usual sound of rustling and whi...


The Straw

I remember the last thing Brian said to me. He said it in such a nonchalant way that none of us thought anything of it. We’d just finished another one of the interminable lectures on sexual har...



Sophia and her family – her mother Lila and her father Johnathan, lived in a little village where the grass carried dew in the mornings and the evenings were bright with the stars and the moon ...


Bring us more

A man washed ashore last week. He looked as though he had not eaten in weeks and was barely clinging to life. I, along with much of the town, was elated when we discovered it was Will Harper who ...


Lost Kevin

I know it’s wrong to download movies and we shouldn’t do it, but I’m poor and those guys are rich. Either way, it’s not important. I’m only writing this to warn others against it. Is it...



This is going to sound weird, I know, but please, bear with me. I wanted to ask the paranormal community for help with my haunted house, but I was afraid of Reddit trolls. I tend to trust too eas...


Go Play

A child’s laughter bubbled in the air. A little girl was lost in play, twirling and dancing with a toy bear swinging from her grasp when she unknowingly wandered out onto the street. The whine ...


Ancient Life

Below the peaks of the Catskill Mountains you will occasionally find an ancient and gnarled apple tree. Such a tree is a reliable landmark; signaling that an early American farmhouse sits, or onc...



We had been driving all day and night, to get to my wife’s parent’s place in Oregon, and I could tell that we were both reaching a point of exhaustion. We were on day two of driving and were ...


The Website

I wish this was some fairytale that I could just laugh off later but this was real. And I really wish I never tried it. And now I hope I have enough time to tell you why. I live in a small town. ...


Family Roots

Grandpa Cobalt hated letting things go. Whether it was the wobbly chair he kept in his study or his favorite warped record he fed to the gramophone—looping the same groove over and over. He was...


Rubbish Days

Tony peeled the rotten banana skin off his arm while pieces of unidentifiable litter trailed behind him as he stumbled towards the school building. Billy and his asshole friends had dumped him in...


Many Thanks

My family had a tradition that we would all exchange one gift on Thanksgiving Day to bring good fortune for the coming holiday season. We never gave anything fancy, just candy, CD’s, socks, or ...



The sea forgives all. That’s what they say, thought the tall, dark-eyed man standing vigil at the stern of the Aquilon. His eyes were set on the waves trailing them in the fading light of dusk....



Every grave holds a person, their life, and their legacy. It reminds you that you have only one shot at this life, and to live it to the fullest, but is this true? I have experienced something in...


The Storm

Everything was perfect. Everything but her. She stood there at the window in her picture perfect dress, looking out at the picture perfect view from the comfort of their picture perfect home, and...


Just One More

Stacey Chapman pulled hard on the cold metal of the gate. The rusted iron hinges resisted and it squealed as it moved. She winced at the sound as it cut through the quiet of the cemetery. She pul...


The Deadlands

In a town kept alive by retirees and tourists looking for a cheap scare, we knew a place hidden from their money was bad news. Plebes are paraded around in horse drawn carriages through the dead ...


Death Stamp

How you’ll die is written on your forearm. Don’t look now; you can’t see it; but it’s there. I can see it. It’s horizontal. Big and bold. Always black. Oh, and how old you’ll be. I ca...



I have never been a reader so I don’t know how it’s possible, but there’s a proverb I know. “The dead cannot reveal any secrets”. Given my current state, I choose to disagree. My name w...


It Dwells

Excerpt from a letter received by Governor Irvish Jackson and sent by Dr. Wilford Bellenshamp on December 17th, 1985: I have seen that despite my personal attendance in the past few months to eac...



1940, it was the era of World War 2. I was a pilot and had been in action in squadron 78 in the RAF for about 3 years. I flew mostly Spitfires and I fought in Dunkirk. But something went wrong wi...



“One hundred eight-six!” I announced gleefully. “That’s incredible!” My wife responded. “How does it feel to be so svelte?” “Well, I don’t know about svelte, but I feel great.�...


The Stalker

It was a typical fall morning- I sought out my usual seat at the local bistro down the street; the previous day had been an excruciatingly long one, and the one thing that got me through was know...


The Hayloft

I like mornin’ best in summer. Chet don’t, cuz he’s fifteen and likes his sleep, but I’d rather make my own breakfast, get chores done quick – enjoy the rest of the day if Mama gives me...


Crimson Eyes

It’s been an hour now and she hasn’t found a thing. She’s heard so many rumors about this old factory and all the things that have happened here since it closed down. She’s still intrigue...


AM 1060

It was a normal, boring night, driving home from my night shift at the factory. Bleary-eyed, and half asleep I drove home, unable to wait for that moment when I would get home, crawl into bed nex...


Nell’s House

Everybody’s got a story. I don’t believe in ghosts but if you ever asked me if I’d been somewhere haunted, this is the story I’d tell. Down the road I lived on as a kid, there was an old ...


Summer Nights

Summer nights in the small college town were something straight out of a Pulp magazine: a risqué combination of nostalgia, science fiction and impossible stories. Every year from May to August, ...



These days being a hazmat guy is fairly routine work.  Despite some of the popular misconceptions, there really isn’t a whole lot to it.  I show up to a site, handle business, and let chemist...



Day 1 Alright, this is day one of seclusion for me. My therapist recommended that I get away for at least a week to try and get my shit together. He also suggested that I keep a journal of my tim...


Red Ruin

Every other weekend I make it a habit of mine to visit Janine’s Mercantile, an indoor flea market located on the outskirts of the town I have called home my whole life. Summershore, Wyoming. Wh...


Mrs. Grey

It was nearing Christmas, and everyone in my university was packing up to go home for a few weeks to spend the holidays with their families; I was doing the same. I go to school in Peterborough, ...


Hel Ward 54

When James and Linda Scott welcomed the arrival of their first daughter Ella Marie. Nothing seemed to be better. The pregnancy was a text book scenario. Nine months of classes, preparing a room a...


Cow Head

This story is allegedly an urban legend from Japan about a story so terrifying that anyone who reads it will either die or go insane. The story goes that those reading the story begin shivering b...


El Cucuy

If you happen to be Spanish, Portuguese or from a community that speaks one of those two languages, then the chances are you’ve heard of El Cucuy. Perhaps you know this figure by a slightly dif...


Post Mortem

I wouldn’t say it was instantaneous, I was always more open to the depraved thoughts the brain forces you to think about when you’re alone. The kind of thoughts that creep into your conscienc...



It was cold, even for autumn. I shivered and pulled down the sleeves of my beige cardigan. As I glanced up at the sun, I noticed its position in the sky was getting increasingly lower over the ho...


Devils Due

Part one. A melancholy recollection of traumatic events. I hate bullies. Bullies have set the course of my fairly chaotic life, since day one. My father was a bully. My Mother wasn’t much bette...


The Murmur

The night was quiet. The cool breeze came and went, like the breath of a sleeping child. But I was not peacefully asleep, as the murmur had begun again. It had been going on for a few months now....


The Baseball

It was a humid evening, as Peter Greene made his way through the small park on the edge of his property. He breathed an exasperated exhale as he walked away from his wife and the argument that ha...


Dr. Sammy

I stare at the corpse in the mirror. How desperately the dry, clay-colored skin clings to its skull. Rubbery. How narrow its tired eyes are, weighed down by the dark satchels hanging from them. H...


Old Man

The house is set at the end of an abandoned road behind a line of pine trees. The road used to be a part of the highway system and the house was built after the new system had been put in and was...


Koree’s Pain

When Koree Fillybraun was a little girl she found she had a knack for fixing things. As a kid, there were bike chains and toys to work on. She’d spend hours tinkering with them. Most of the nei...



Tuesday, March 16, 2021 My name is Todd Marston, I’m a collector of sorts, collecting old bullet casings from each country I visit and showcase them in my museum. I found some strange trinkets ...



I have never enjoyed alcohol mind you, I never had the tongue for it. I don’t drink it for the taste, nor the feeling it gives some men. I’ve found that alcohol numbs my urges, dulls my sense...


Coffee Man

Coffee Man is the only one who says he can see them. Other inmates have stayed up dead into the night, pressing their ears to the concrete of the floor or the walls, slipping their hands through ...


Lone Road

Driving. I always found driving peaceful. There’s something almost serene about just cruising along at a steady pace down a long strip of road. Coincidentally that’s exactly what I was doing ...



Before I start this off, I want to apologize to everyone who may be affected by this in a negative way. I’m writing this for journalistic purposes, and to hopefully spread some awareness about ...



“Dang!” Eleanor’s husband cried. “The damn thing bit me!” He grabbed his triceps and looked at her with an expression that mingled pain with surprise. Eleanor was as surprised as he was...


The Tunnel

Hollow bodies, Hollow bodies knocking on my brain They haunt my dreams with silent screams They’re driving me insane Hollow bodies, Hollow bodies Faceless figures in the rain Their pinstripe su...


The Heavy Man

I had first heard about the Heavy Man during an unpleasant encounter with a deranged lunatic. Of all nights to visit Sal’s pub, I happened to go while HE was there. That madman probably would h...


The Dripping

My brother shut the door of our apartment with a long, exaggerated sigh. He walked right to the fridge to grab two tall Bud Lights from the fridge: one for him and one for me. “Tough day at wor...



Billy slowly facilitated his way in, careful to avoid cutting himself on the broken window. He had gained entry to places similarly and tried his best to clear the shards from the frame using his...



Twisted neck, mouth half-open, eyes rolled back too far. The body was draped over its bicycle that was twirled and turned in ways that undoubtedly would affect its further functioning. It was an ...


Leech Teeth

The sands of time are known for their love of stealing away the little things; they sift away memories of childhood best friends and the password to your old computer as they flow steadily toward...


The Conjurer

Twice in my life I’ve wished for a magic wand. The first was eight years into my marriage, when our heart-wrenchingly tender obstetrician told us there was nothing left to try. I never shared m...


The Last Bus

The first time I caught the night bus was pure chance. I’d heard the legends of course, we all had. Urban legends are a big thing where I live. I suspect its partly because I hail from an unrem...


Life Store

The bright, shining, neon sign read Life Store. It was peculiar, not just because the wording of it didn’t make much sense; what would one sell at a Life Store?; but because I had passed this l...


Bhangarh Fort

I’m Richard Davies, a second generation Indian American and an ex internet celebrity. What made me famous you ask? Well, I’m a ghost hunter. Though technically I don’t really hunt ghosts, b...
