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Gender Magick

We are story-telling creatures and often identity labels are shorthand for a much longer story. Inevitably these highly truncated act of speech can get away from us and are used to accuse us of political or ideological “sin.” Sticking with what is for me at the heart of “identity,” I’m just going to tell a micro-story instead of giving you a bunch of politically loaded terms: I often am perceived by humans as gender-non-conforming. I sometimes feel “genderqueer” or “androgynous,” especially when around humans, because guess what—a majority of humans appear sexually dimorphic. Non-human animals (both domesticated and wild), the landscape, naturalist studies, and relating to my ancestry have been a big part of my experience of affirmation and belonging in my creature-ness, human-ness, body, and gender,* which you can supplement with some other word like “soul” if you want. I’m Greek-American and socialist/collectivist thought and critique of hyper-individualism resonates with me. How this relates to gender/sex is that I see those things in ecological/relational terms, and not just in terms of personal identity. In a fragmented, hyper-capitalist, hyper-individualist society, when we have no village, we have no collective body (ecology) to reflect us to ourselves, and this has appeared to cause a lot of cultural trauma and wounding, especially around gender. I don’t pretend to find the asnwer, because I don’t believe that I alone, or that any one person, holds the answer. The answer lies in between you and I, it lies in the discourse. I find that I care about a lot of the same things as people who would purport to other me based on my “identity,” therefore “identity” does not seem currently very useful to me.
