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The Educated Shoprat

I am a college graduate who earns his living working as an hourly on a factory floor. I have found that I prefer this to retail management and customer service, which I have also done though admittedly it does not pay as well. I am a Bible Believing Christian and politically I am center-right. This is just a place where I share my thoughts on anything that catches my mind.

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My mother died a year ago today. The last couple months of her life she was barely conscious and was often not even aware that you were there. I miss her but I will see her again.


UAW & Me

When I first started at my last employer almost 20 years ago it was a non-union shop where everyone from the President of the Company to the most recent employees had a first name, which is what ...




I am sorry to say that my Mother has passed away. She had been comatose for several days and Dad, all 4 of her sons, along with some grandchildren and one daughter in law were with her at some po...



Yes it's been while and I wish it were otherwise. What has happened is Mom almost constantly in and out of the hospital and most of my days off are spent in Bay City. Dad, considering that he is...


A Father

A Father

A world without fathers? He came in at once, paused for a moment just inside the door, looked round, then soft on his moccasined feet strode quickly across the room, fell on his knees in front o...


Well . . .

I acknowledge that I have been gone for too long. A year and a half ago I spent two to five hours a day on the net, now it seems like I can't spend that much time a month. I'm lucky to check my E...
