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never stop

Christian lesbian storyteller who made Tom Hiddleston laugh one time. Also, I hugged Ludo. And most of the Protomen. And 3/5 of Carbon Leaf. And the entirety of Night Vale’s main cast. If you’ve read a fanfic by someone using the name Kathryn Shadow (or any variation thereupon), that was me. I’m sorry. THINGS YOU WILL FIND HERE: -Mega Man (all iterations) -Welcome to Night Vale -Joss Whedon -Hunter X Hunter -Free! -Extended conversations with my moirail I am generally too lazy to tag fandoms and suchlike, but I will tag anything that I’m asked to tag for whatever reason. (EDIT: Getting better at tagging… well, not fandoms, but at least characters and pairings. :D)Also, yes, my askbox is open for drabbleprompts.Fanfiction tagdeviantART
