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Just a Girl and Her Blog

I am a 29 year old who likes the environment, permaculture, animals, science, pugs, gifs, gifs with pugs, bad jokes, feelings, wine and a lot of other stuff. I have lived in Chicago, the suburbs of Chicago, Minneapolis, DC, the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, and the Republic of Macedonia. I am currently back in the DC area. I am a returned Peace Corps volunteer, and an Americorps alum. I drink a lot of drinks that are bad for me, full of aspartame. I can drive a school bus. This blog does is in no way affiliated with Peace Corps. My posts will be random. Feel free to ask me anything about Americorps or Peace Corps

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I am a 29 year old who likes the environment, permaculture, animals, science, pugs, gifs, gifs with pugs, bad jokes, feelings, wine and a lot of other stuff. I have lived in Chicago, the suburbs of Chicago, Minneapolis, DC, the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, and the Republic of Macedonia. I am currently back in the DC area. I am a returned Peace Corps volunteer, and an Americorps alum. I drink a lot of drinks that are bad for me, full of aspartame. I can drive a school bus. This blog does is in no way affiliated with Peace Corps. My posts will be random. Feel free to ask me anything about Americorps or Peace Corps
