Crises narratives and reimported conterinsurgency rhetoric have turned US police into a body upholding law-and-order via warfighting, often against racialised minorities.
Navalny embodied an alternative Russia to the Kremlin government's control. Yet, despite his activism and liberal image, Navalny's rhetoric was imperialistic at heart.
For India, non-alignment followed by no retaliation in the war represents the Subgame Perfect Equilibrium, balancing diverse interests in a complex geopolitical context.
Oslo facilitated the territorial dispossession, economic dependency, and political fragmentation of Palestine as it was set up to bolster Israel’s occupational regime.
China's education diplomacy in CARs elucidates the intricacies of building cultural affinity, the nuances of alignment, and the synergy between hard and soft power.
Aggressive imitation is meant not only to justify IS’s violence but to express its worldview—of restoring Muslim honour by avenging the humiliation Muslims have suffered.
The internal Russian information space serves as a testing ground for Russia's information operations before they are deployed against countries of the post-Soviet space.
Border art re-conceptualises the US-Mexico border by engendering an aesthetic experience fractured from the hierarchical and hegemonic 'distribution of the sensible'.
Particularly in the case of de facto states, non-formal recognition practices can play a major role in constructing sovereignty and statehood for the territory in question.
Claims of China's Debt Trap Diplomacy stem from a Western bias against China and China's opaque lending practices, but there is little evidence such claims are factual.
RT portrays the international system as a new Cold War system with a nuclear face-off between two superpowers and Russia as facing nuclear threats from Ukraine and NATO.
To induce successes in transitional justice, traumatic memory is mechanised resulting in oversimplification of relations.
Despite, but also due to, Europe's unprecedented security landscape, the 2023 NATO Summit followed a familiar ritualized script that eclipsed any theatrical performances.
Narrow definitions of genocide facilitate its continuation, as evidenced by Israel's ongoing physical, economic, and cultural destruction of the Palestinian society.
Cuban intelligence adeptly evolved post-Cold War by prioritizing information acquisition and alliances to safeguard its national interests.
The contradiction between China's discourse on and practices of sovereignty constitutes a form of 'organized hypocrisy', explicable by the logic of capitalist expansion.
Faced with internal security threats, a democratic state cannot always employ extraordinary measures without triggering an existential threat to its democratic identity.
China had the calculations of authority and timing wrong in gifting pandas to Taiwan, turning Taiwanese sentiment against trust and goodwill toward the mainland.
Patriarchal values fuel conflict, confine Iranian women to home, and impact their security, driving some to choose self-immolation. Yet, some also find agency in that.
Protests in Bosnia and Herzegovina show fundamental issues in the international efforts of peace-building and transitional justice during the post-war reconstruction period.
The continuation of Latin American populism will likely produce messianic leaders characterized by beautiful promises that often do not respect the reality of things.
The Sudanese Civil War shows that mechanisms by which coups come to resemble ‘peace-inducing shocks’ are easily interrupted by ‘spoilers’ who oppose the terms of peace.
Russian narratives on Syria to justify military intervention are anti-Western, and comprise claims to legitimate counterterrorism and adherence to international law.
Game theory allows analysts to model even complex battlefield scenarios, enabling past and future military operations to be simulated and alternative courses of action compared.
Reproduced violence in videos and images registers an order of grievability that fails to recognise the value of lives in the Middle East as lives.
The plight of North Korean women is evident in the Kim regime’s exploitation of their labor and lack of protection for their rights, despite its rhetoric.
Changes in exogenous conditions interact with North Korea's strategic culture of Juche, leading to variations in its ‘rational' security choices during the Cold War and now.
Fiji fails to decrease the occurrence of gender-based violence despite the ratification of the CEDAW due to several intersecting factors.
Both convergence and divergence in the extra- and intra-regional security dynamics shaped the emergence/deepening of the Cold War-era EU and ASEAN.
The 2022 election was not marred by violence due to an interaction between elite incentives and opportunities for violence, institutional constraints, and civil society efforts.