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It's My Life, don't try to control it.

Kayla, Canadian, Pisces. Gryffindor, Dauntless, District 4, hardcore paintball player, and huge RoosterTeeth/RvB fan. My blog consists of ATLA, LOK, Supernatural, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Hunger Games, Star Trek, Merlin, Toby Turner, Jacksfilms, Harry Potter, HOMESTUCK, and well what ever I really feel like, I mostly reblog with my own occasional drawings. (I do take suggestions.) Oh ya and an absolute social misfit :D. Currently fighting brain cancer. (previously ilovemyfandoms) My about me page https://www.facebook.com/KaylaFandomsss rm_f1st('3','220','true','false','ffffff','aask0rv52k7','true','ff0000');

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