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Megapegs Land

The only thing serious about this space is that it’s seriously me. This is not a spoiler free blog though I do try to tag everything appropriately. I’m a 25 year old writer, working woman, poet and my long time goals are to finish a series of fantasy novels I’m working on and get myself and the play I’m writing to New York. I Glee. I Glee hard. I also love many other things including all things Sherlock Holmes. Except that one thing… This is not an Elementary friendly blog. As far as that goes this is a no fly zone. My personal blogging ethic is to live and let live. If you like it, that’s great enjoy it. I can scroll past things I don’t like. Hate blogging is whack so I don’t engage in it. But I am a person, and I do dislike it, so every now and then I say something that express that. If you can handle that great, if you can’t, this is not the blog for you. RAVENCLAW{ wear } WMHS GLEE CLUB{ GLEEK OUT }
