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Oriana Ludi

Born in Caracas, Venezuela to Colombian and Chilean parents. Venezuelan that thinks she’s Mexican. Fluent in Spanish and English. Pretty badass at French. I am almost prouder of my 1/16 Arabic roots than my Latino roots. Casi, amigos. Almost.Phoenix, AZ, U.S.A. My tumblr pretty much explains why I’m mad at the world all the time and why I love animals. I’m also starting to focus this blog more on mental health and suicide prevention. I truly believe that bringing awareness to society about this tabooed epidemic is the first step in preventing many suicides, especially in young people, who suffer, and are embarrassed of, an inexplicable and unexplained pain.Anyway, I just wanna get paid to travel, meet new people, eat delicious foods and take naps in every beach available around the world. Also, I’d like to change this world I’m so in love with and help bring happiness and security to the people that inhabit it.Oh, #fuckasaad #fuckmaduro #freepalestine #blacklivesmatter #translivesmatter and obviously, #alllivesmatter However, we running for breast cancer right now, fam. @abelxo is my boo.
