NSFW. Blah blah blah Sex and Feel good blog. Italian. 56.Gentleman.Not
a Dom (50 Shades of Gray is pathetic) Educated. Sarcastic.
Occasionally funny. Caveat emptor : I am opinionated but reasonable. I
like to engage in controversial topics from time to time. I am a
libertarian to a degree. I believe everyone has the right to choose
what is best for them as long as no harm comes to others. That
includes guns and D/s. I am old enough to know that opinions sometimes
come from a lack of information. Give me facts and I may change my
opinion.. However, Anon hate is Not tolerated. Please don’t hide
behind your Gray face if you have something to get off your chest.
Hiding weakens your argument. That said.. I enjoy my Scotch and my
women straight up ,strong and against the wall.. Now don your heels,
throw them over my shoulders and let’s go for a ride.. But if
you’re underage, leave now, return to Facebook and do your homework
or I’ll spank your mother for not giving you enough chores… “You
boys can keep your virgins give me hot old women in high heels with
asses that forgot to get old. ” Charles Bukowski Legal BS: I post me
and you. I give credit when due. Any pictures that you feel infringe,
tell me and I will remove them. Enjoy the show.. Pfdgrr@gmail.com