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General Science

Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Climate Change, Geology, Medicine, etc.


Britain's 'artificial sun' nuclear fusion reactor sets a ne...ve seconds - taking us closer towards 'limitless clean energy'

Britain has been one of the leading players in the field ever since the Joint European Torus (JET) was built on an industrial estate outside Oxford in 1978 — and now it has achieved a new world...


Woman diagnosed with HIV almost 30 years ago may have been ... without taking drugs or having a risky bone marrow transplant

Scientists have studied 'elite controller' Loreen Willenberg, 66, for decades  Doctors say the Californian woman's body fights the infection naturally  But now academics claim she can be 'added...


Bitter cold could plague Western Europe within next 100 years as climate change is set to stall the North Atlantic Current

Funny enough, eddie and I were talking about this just the other day, and here we go: Global warming could cause the giant network of ocean currents that disperses heat to Northern Europe to ceas...


Leaked Google computer took about 3 minutes to solve a problem it would take modern supercomputers 10,000 years to solve

Scientific breakthroughs don’t always go exactly to plan. On Friday, a draft research paper erroneously uploaded to Nasa’s website accidentally tipped the world off that Google had reached a ...
