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The Comics Survival Kit

This forum is a collection of short articles designed to help new, aspiring comics creators to navigate all aspects of the industry. The intention is to provide both practical and creative advice on a wide variety of topics, all from the minds of many of the best and most successful creators in comics. It is curated by Gail Simone, writer of over 400 comics for publishers such as DC, Marvel, Bongo, Dynamite, Dark Horse, and many more. Her usual tumblr is: http://www.tumblr.com/blog/gailsimone This forum would not be possible without the help and support of the many professionals who gave their time and expertise freely, to be used as a resource by anyone who so chooses. Have fun, read some stuff, more articles on many different topics coming all the time! Thank you very much to Gregory Hauenstein for the design and layout, and Courtney Meeker for her help in proofing and feedback!
