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Thanks for reading Revolver. We'd love to see your work and we hope you want us to see your work, too. Select the appropriate category below, and submit your work to our editors. Why $2? It costs money to host the site and takes a lot of time to make Revolver happen. We're here to celebrate you beautiful bastards, but we can't do it alone. We don't particularly care about "traditional genres"—fiction, poetry, etc.—so don't worry if you don't see a category that seems immediately right for your work. If your piece is fewer than 1,000 words, submit in the SHORT category; if it's over 1,000 words, submit in the LONG category. If it doesn't seem like those two categories "work" for you, submit to the MISCELLANEOUS category.  If you want an idea of what we publish, browse our site [http://www.around-around.com/]. You should like our Facebook [http://www.facebook.com/RevolverReaders] and follow us on Twitter [https://twitter.com/#!/revolver_tw].  Our editors do their best to read and respond to your work quickly (2-3 months, sometimes longer). We give each piece the attention and consideration you expect, and that might mean a slightly longer reading process.  We're going to thank you for your patience right now. And know that we love you.
