dreamers online I’m just a girl. A dreamer hovering halfway between
32784 and 6277. Powered.By.Coffee. :no, I’m not addicted, just need
it to function: Beware: if I like your blog, I will reblog and like
way too much. I’ve learned to be optimistic. I enjoy life. No matter
how hard it seems, it still is a gift. I could be sad (and sometimes I
just let that feeling in), but I try to remember: „All emotional
pain lasts for 12 minutes, anything longer than that is self
inflicted”. So I choose to look at the bright side, I choose to be
happy. I like many things. Sunshine after a grey day. First snow of
the year. A smile from a stranger. A good book. The beauty of the
nature. Animals. Colors of autumn. Hugs. Music. More music. The MAGIC
of music. ~Thank you J, S and T. Thank you for giving me courage and
saving my dreams.~ “Automatic, I imagine, I believe.” Concerts.
Friends. Laughing. Traveling. Photography. Drawing. Books. Food.
Architecture. Dark things. Vampires. ART Coffee coffee coffee. …and
a million other things… I fell apart but got back up again.
Provehito In Altum