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My First Blog

This is a place for images I like, quotations I want to remember, images and commentary on food, and my thoughts on a variety of topics. I love books, reading, writing, architecture, astronomy, design, sailing, and swimming, theatre, opera, classical music, and any music that is performed well. Feel free to ask me anything. NSFW. If you are under 18 or under the legal age in your community, please leave now and do not follow me. I don’t want anyone under the legal age to visit my site or follow me. Some images are of nude or nearly-nude men, many of them in intimate and/or sexual situations. If such images offend you in any way, please leave now. Only a few of these images are mine. If you find an image that you own, let me know and I will remove it or give proper attribution. Enjoy! Click on any image to see it in its full glory.
