Manu: Using the IMG tag would be faster because it'll be found by the preloader. Using CSS (even an inline style attribute) requires that the HTML parser create the DOM element and apply the styl...
@Steve Sauders I'm still confused on the answer to the first question, 1. Great – I highlighted a bunch of cases where hero images are slow to render, and described ways to measure that in...
Eric: Inlining images as base 64 encoded images is only good for small images - not hero images.
Hi Steve, You said, "The CSS background image approach was the worst overall.", but what about a CSS background image inline? Is it still the worst? I sometimes use this technique to create respo...
Great article on a very important topic. One thing to clarify - current performance tools using a film strip view doesn't really measure when they user sees the image? I guess I had always assume...
Ved: Yes, images appear more quickly if they're inserted using the IMG tag than as a CSS background image. Fonts are important but don't block images.
Great article and great discussion. So From your first reply, are you suggesting that to not use HERO images as background img and instead use them as tag ? Also what about the fonts ? I am assum...
Makes sense. Yeah, thanks for the examples.
Hi, Roman. Cool, thanks for clarifying what's going on in the Airbnb case. In your case it might be that synchronous scripts at the bottom is not an issue, but in general it should be avoided. He...
meant to say "a lot of markup needs to be parsed and layout calculated"