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The Bear Cave

The origin of the Bear Cave comes from high school when my friends decided that Mary was too simple of a name and decided to add Bear to it.  From then on, the MarBear and the Bear Cave was created.  Basically, I am a young adult (like, very young.  I don’t consider myself an adult 99.67% of the time) who lives in the Chicago land area.  I am the epitome of a history buff and I have an unnatural fascination with military history considering I am a pacifist.  This blog is dedicated to that love of history, the fandoms that I have sold parts of my soul to, music (I have been involved with music my entire life and am now minoring in it), and cooking (I am of Italian descent and cooking with my mom was my childhood).  I can’t really think of anything else that someone on the internet should know about  me besides that I am relatively new to tumblr.  
