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I'd Rather Be Here Now

ceci n'est pas une blog #6 Ignore the Haters There will always be haters telling you why your ideas won't work. In fact, the more successful (and revolutionary) you are, the more there will be. While it's always important to consider constructive criticism, you have to ignore those who are always being negative and down on you and your ideas. Surround yourself with positive people instead!It's an aquarium that shoots laser beams and never needs repairing.

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"Throwing Art in People's Faces"

"Throwing Art in People's Faces"

ceci n'est pas une blog #6 Ignore the Haters There will always be haters telling you why your ideas won't work. In fact, the more successful (and revolutionary) you are, the more there will be. While it's always important to consider constructive criticism, you have to ignore those who are always being negative and down on you and your ideas. Surround yourself with positive people instead!It's an aquarium that shoots laser beams and never needs repairing.
