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Majority Rules

Here's a chameleon of a painting - it looks very different when the light changes.  I kind of like it at night best. Melissa Maura let me use her photograph of pelicans as my reference.  She ha...


The Aristocrat

One of my favorite seabirds, the Royal Tern lives up to its regal name with a tangerine-colored bill and ragged, ink-black crest against crisp white plumage. Royal Terns fly gracefully and slowl...


Night Watchman

Keeping tabs on the neighborhood under a full moon..... that's what I think, anyway. This started out with a light blue background, but somebody inside of my head told me he needed a blue/black b...


White Pelicans

Or, "What do you put over a white couch?" , perhaps. Thank you, Jim McIntosh for your reference photo taken by Raccoon Cay. "It’s down the Green Island Sound. (SC)  You anchor at the ocean end...
